What makes YOU decide to repeat or be a "regular"?

Whispers's Avatar
A quick summary of two polls indicated that of the guys responding...

1) 81% spent less than $1500 over the last three months.

2) 62% spent their money seeing 3 or more girls over the last three months.

That would tend to indicate a trend AWAY from repeat business for the ladies. At least among those that bother to respond to a poll.

What makes you decide to Repeat?
What makes you decide to become a "Regular"?

When I leave a lady with that "Wow... What the fuck just happened to me?" feeling that I can't shake for the next few hours I'm usually back on the phone setting up a repeat performance within a day or two.

But I am definitely into Variety regarding the Hobby. Seeing a girl more than two or three times has to involve a variety of other things.

Let's assume BCD skills and TCB activities are naturally more than satisfactory or why bother repeating....

1) I have to feel that she paid attention to things we discussed in between activities such as lingerie I like or some little thing I enjoy more than other and she displays that in the 2nd or 3rd visit by wearing or doing something we discussed without my asking.

2) There has to be some sort of "out of session" connection. I let girls know when and how it is OK to contact me and leave an open invitation to do so should they ever find themselves in the area and have time for a bite to eat or a drink.

3) There has to be a "value" there that is enough of a difference to make me think twice before getting whiplash looking at the next hot young lass to post an ad. Because I am definitely like a kid in the candy store.

I've repeated many ladies over the years but only a handful could count me as a "regular"

4) Any and all conversations during my time with her BCD has to be about me or topics I bring up. My asking "How have you been?" is NOT an invitation to lay all her problems out on me.

5) Not a "requirement" that I consciously think of but definitely a high probability as I think back over the years at the "regulars" I enjoyed is that she is most likely a blonde or a redhead

6) If any one skill she has stands out above all other's it is that she is one hell of a great kisser knowing when to look me in the eyes as well as when to close her eyes.....

What is it for you?
I think the key to having a client becoming a repeat is just simply treating them as more than just another client.... I appreciate my regulars very much
@ Whispers..great post. I always enjoying getting some insight from a hobbyists.

Thanks and Smooches,

I suspect there's much shopping around by guys looking for a regular. Destiny is right in that if you are treated as someone 'special' that makes a big difference. If there was an incentive for repeaters, such as a reduced 'long term rate' that would help. At the same time, there are many guys who just want constant variety.
Whispers's Avatar
@ Whispers..great post. I always enjoying getting some insight from a hobbyists.

Thanks and Smooches,

Ashley Originally Posted by AshleyAshton

shhhhh... It is not fashionable to agree with me....

but thanks...
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-17-2010, 04:14 PM
My criteria for a repeat visit is easy: if I had a great time with the lady the first time, I'm going to try to see her again. The second session is always better than the first as we both know what to expect from one another and thus there is less tension and jockeying and a lot more time spent having fun.

Becoming a "regular" is harder to quantify... when I see the same lady 4, 10, 20, or 100 times, the dynamic naturally changes... Instead of just seeking out new eye candy, I'm coming back for all those other intangibles that a "hobby relationship" offers: she keeps me engaged (both intellectually and physically) each time, she remembers comments and activities from past visits and applies that knowledge to future sessions, she surprises me (new toys, new friends, new activities), she challenges me, she makes me want to come back again to see what she'll dream up for our next visit. Of course, discounted rates and ease-of-scheduling are a big plus as well.
Pearl Man's Avatar
I see a lot of ladies regularly and my priorities would be

1) Sexual Skills
2) Beauty
3) Intelligence

If all of those are present, and high on my personal scale, I will keep seeing her. One thing I have found to be always true is that if I should ever think that there is more to the relationship than P4P it will usually be over pretty soon. Of course, nothing wrong with being just friends. You have to maintain your perspective and so do they. I have to understand that they are not looking for a boyfriend who is 30 years older than they are. LOL
ANONONE's Avatar
More times than not it is a combination of chemistry and convenience for me. In other words we had a great time, and there were no new prospects on the horizon when I was ready to play again. The other thing is the speed with which they reply to a query.

Let me give you an example. I am right now prepping for a business trip on the road to a brand new city. I am excited about hopefully seeing a new gal and reviewing them here on EECIE. I have filled out four or five different screen/contact templates (over a week ago) and not one response has come back--not even so much as a "received your querry and I am working on the screening process."

This kind of hacks me off. Here is the ironic thing. A gal that I am somewhat of a regular with here in my own region will be in that town at the same time. I like seeing her, but was sort of looking forward to a brand new experience. I may end up going with her, because frankly I am getting pissed off with the providers in that city for not at least responding in some shape or form.
@ Whispers..great post. I always enjoying getting some insight from a hobbyists.

Thanks and Smooches,

Ashley Originally Posted by AshleyAshton
Looking like Ashley doesn't hurt.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
When I leave a lady with that "Wow... What the fuck just happened to me?" feeling that I can't shake for the next few hours I'm usually back on the phone setting up a repeat performance within a day or two. Originally Posted by Whispers

Howdy, Folks!

Interesting...when *I* leave a lady with that "Wow... What the fuck just happened to me?" feeling that I can't shake for the next few hours I'm more inclined to go to the emergency room to get checked over for potential poisoning.

However, if after I ask myself, "Wow... What the fuck just happened to me?" with a feeling that I can't shake for the next few minutes and I've just awakened in a bathtub of ice with a note to call a hospital...I call the hospital.
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Great thread. Keep em' coming. Providers need your feedback to continue to grow and learn. We can anticipate your wants and desires to an extent, but we aren't mind readers after all.
Onceler's Avatar
I have always been very low on repeat girls. I like to experience a lot of variety simply because that's my approach to this. I like to experience women of different types, ages, and styles because I find pleasure in the variety. However, I have seen a few select women more than once and it has been for a few reasons I'll try to enumerate:
1. Complete professionalism. I would only return to ladies who took their appointments and appearance seriously and viewed their job as being the fantasy for the man they are seeing.
2. Roleplaying. It sounds strange,. but I have seen one woman multiple times in the past because we started this little dumb email roleplay thing and it developed into a multi-session fantasy scenario we both enjoyed. So maybe classify this as "unique session offering".
3. I felt I got unusually high value for the appointment. The ladies I have seen more than once are ones I find most professional, most dedicated to client enjoyment, and truly were in the moment of enjoying everything happening as much as I was. I have stated before that the first ever appointment I made was with a very well known and highly regarded lady in Houston. Her rate was double any other appointment fee I have ever paid since.... and I saw her twice. Because even at that rate, the value was so overwhelming and her style was so pleasing, you walked (sorry limped ) away thinking you HAD to do that again!
4. The mysterious "it". Some ladies you meet and see and there is just SOMETHING that you want again. Mutual attraction or intense passion during the session, but the "it" happens.

I would characterize myself as someone who will be a repeat client.. but never a "regular" client, if that makes sense. Again, the variety intrigues me too much for straight regularity.

...If you have it.. you don't need it.. but if you don't have it, you can't get it...
For me when I was frolicking in the fields of ignorance and bliss, what would get me to be a repeat with a girl was her ability to intelligently converse in as much it seemed genuine that she was interested in talking to me. It was never just about me when I would talk to them as I am not that kind of person but the ones I repeated with were really interested in me and interesting in what they said and how they stated whatever it was. Mind you, I am not writing about having deep political discussions or world peace but rather finding someone who has a soft voice, who appeared to be interested in what I had to say who could then ask intelligent follow-up questions… that was a major thing for me besides the BCD skillz.

However, that written, she would have to have a figure that I found attractive with an enjoyable personality who had eyes that sparkle when I would look at her. The BCD skills go without comment because that is why anyone would see the lady in the first place. Yet, for me, I tended to be more attracted to those who were of a petite stature that were very busty/curvy with a friendly sensual demeanor who seemed to enjoy my company while being playful with me. Playfulness is way understated in my opinion but it is oh so important, at least to me it is.

Of course, as Onceler wrote above me, in number 4 of his list, the "IT" factor is another thing to consider. I can't describe "IT" but I know it when I see "IT". There have been three girls I have seen and repeated with that fired my rockets to such a degree that things got strange and I can tell you it was due to Onceler's "IT" factor in combination with my preferences above.

Well, that is what worked for me for years.