I want a website

I have been thinking about getting a website made, and was wondering if anyone knows how to start that?
As i have mentioned before, i suck at computer stuff, and am not quite sure where to go..
someone help me please?
You can find a number of websites that are basically turnkey online and the designs are cookie cutter. It's easy.
bikebryan's Avatar
I personally hate turnkey software for websites as they all tend to look alike. Boring and forgetabble - and they don't set you apart from anybody else. There are simple Content Management Systems (CMS) out there that are freeware, and most hosting sites support them. Some examples are Joomla! and Drupal. Joomla! is easier to setup and use, but Drupal is much more powerful with only a slightly higher learning curve. Lately I've been working with ASP.Net CMS, DotNetNuke, but this is NOT something I'd recommend a beginner to try and setup. Once it's up and running it's not bad, but the setup can often have wrenches thrown in it.

Look around at some of the larger hosting sites. They offer many CMS software packages, and will often set up the basic template for you. You can then go in and customize it to your heart's content.
KCQuestor's Avatar
You can make a free Wordpress site pretty easily. Not sure about their terms of service though.
Wordpress or blogspot or any number of other popular places will delete your account as soon as they discover what it is.

I recommend escortsite.com/

It can be generic and over simplified.... but its free, gets your info across and is highly customization if you have extra web skills.
I have recently hired someone to build mine and I have saw his work he does a great job. PM me if your interested babe.
bartipero's Avatar
Another idea, if you see one you like get the author's info off the credits, or if none, contact the provider who owns it.
jframe2's Avatar
moonfruit.com is a template based site, hosted in England. But it is very user-friendly and does allow for a pretty good site for someone that is creative. And they do allow for Adult websites.

I have assisted some in setting them up on this site and then turned the daily stuff over to them.

PM (before 1/15/13) if you want more information.
they have plenty of free sites out there girl. escortsite.com, escortdesign.com, WIX.com etc......just google free escort sites and go through the results until you find one that best suits you. I use escort design.com and its super easy to navigate through and only took me like a day or two to finish and have online. Or, you can hire someone to build you a site. I never have and I get just as much exposure with my 'free generic' site. Good luck!

check it out and see if you like it, its easy to use and allows you to customize it as you like.
www.sinfullypurrfect.escortfil es.com
Martyoo7's Avatar
they have plenty of free sites out there girl. escortsite.com, escortdesign.com, WIX.com etc......just google free escort sites and go through the results until you find one that best suits you. I use escort design.com and its super easy to navigate through and only took me like a day or two to finish and have online. Or, you can hire someone to build you a site. I never have and I get just as much exposure with my 'free generic' site. Good luck!

check it out and see if you like it, its easy to use and allows you to customize it as you like.
www.sinfullypurrfect.escortfil es.com Originally Posted by Gemma34

I've been to Gemma's site....it's easy to navigate and has plenty of information...and really smoking hot pics..
I've been to Gemma's site....it's easy to navigate and has plenty of information...and really smoking hot pics.. Originally Posted by Martyoo7
Aawww thanks Marty! Anything for my admirers