Will Putin attack Madagascar

I don’t know the answer but I asked Alexa and she was unaware of the hostilities.
Putin is befriending African nations as his outlet from sanctions.
Putin is occupied.

But that guy Xi, he just might.
I think they are making money there so it’s unlikely.
Maybe Madagascar wil be fertile ground for growth for the Russian businesses if Putin doesn’t invade.
Maybe not Madagascar but maybe Eritrea.
Precious_b's Avatar
Russia has had a long footprint in Africa.
Angola, where they said they shot nearly as bad as the people they were "advising."

Not to mention the Wagner group of late.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
"Will Putin attack Madagascar ?"
Absolutely! Rumor has it (you heard it here first), he hates the movie and those annoying animated characters in it.
Does he hate it as much as right wingers hate Smurfs?