You're not a're just obese...

Wakeup's Avatar
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I was in the Army for nine years. When I graduated from OSUT training in 2004 I was 6'-0" tall and I weighed 155 lbs. The Army taught me how to stay fit, but it also taught me two other things. 1) it's a whole lot easier to stay healthy when someone else is putting healthy, balanced food in front of you every day and all you have to do is eat it, and 2) exercise is pain, and I didn't ever want to do it again.

I went to the doctor five weeks ago for the first time in a long time and got on the scale, where I weighed 195 lbs. I can spit on 40 years old from where I'm at. For about seven months before I got out of the Army I quit exercising, and for the first four months of this year I didn't exercise either. 40 lbs and a year later here I am. It was time for a change.

I just finished watching The Weight of the Nation on HBO, and it disgusted me...simply because it was about me. My BMI puts me on the "overweight" catagory, and I firmly believe that we, as in society as a whole, are to blame for it. The whole concept of "accepting" obesity as normal, treating fat people as regular people, talking around the subject because we don't want to offend horseshit. After watching the first two parts of this program, the LAST thing we should be doing is accepting obesity...we should be accepting that it's wrong, it's abnormal, and fixing it. Our society being tolerant of the 250 lb woman stuffing a cheeseburger into her mouth while drinking a Diet Coke is leading not only to the declining health of our society, but to increasing costs for everything, from health care to insurance, so if being a disgusting blob in the mirror doesn't do it for you, think about your wallet, or what role model you're being for your kids. No more "plus size", "voluptuous", "Reubenesque", "curvy", or "big beautiful woman" around here. By putting the word "beautiful" with the word "big" you're resigning yourself to being're accepting your obesity as normal and not something to be ashamed of, when in fact you should be doing the EXACT opposite.

Are some people genetically predisposed to being overweight? Of course, studies have proved this for decades. Are some people's weight problems caused by their lifestyle choices? Of course, studies have proven this for decades. What you're missing is that EVERYONE is a combination of both. Just because you have a genetic predisposition to being overweight doesn't mean that if you eat right and exercise that you won't lose weight. Just because you're not predisposed to being overweight doesn't mean that if you don't eat healthy and exercise that you won't gain weight. End of the story is that eating right and exercising is beneficial to EVERYONE...there should be NO accepting being overweight or obese as "normal". Some people will be obese due to genetics...they're not normal...everyone else needs to unfuck their fat's that simple.

I'm not here to give you ideas about how to lose weight. I'm not a dietician, and me spouting off what has worked for me on my way to 170 lbs may not work for you. I'm not here to throw scary statistics at you about obesity and health, the CDC has more than enough of that on their website.

But, here are the laws of weight control, take them for what they're worth.

1. If you take in more calories than you exert, you're going to gain weight.
2. If you take in more calories than you exert, you're going to gain weight.
3. If you take in more calories than you exert, you're going to gain weight.
4. If you take in more calories than you exert, you're going to gain weight.

Do something about it...because if you think that I've been uncaring about fat people in the past...just realize that I was fat, and was just being easy on you out of my own feelings of self-loathing. Now you're just fucked...

P.S.-I'm not a dietician, but I was trained as the Weight Control NCO for several years in the Army. While I was in, I took it for granted because all the work of eating healthy and exercising was done for me. Now that I'm done, I've re-evaluated my lifestyle, and have made small changes to my life that has yielded enormous results. And no...I haven't exercised a single minute in the past five weeks...

P.P.S.-Thank you to my beloved wife...for showing me a multitude of things...this not the least of them.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Does that mean that Mexican Coca Cola is out?

Good shit btw...... Sometimes a slap in the face to look in the mirror in a different light is just what some people need........ Myself most certainly included.....

I cant believe wakeup is capable of an intelligent, thought provoking thread. So true. I understand beauty is in the eye of the beholder but being overweight is simply unhealthy. Great thread. Didnt know you cared.
pyramider's Avatar
Disappointing ain't it ...

I guess Wakeup is not going to be doing any reviews now.
Wakeup's Avatar
No JaD, no more Mexican Coke. Looking back, that picture of my fridge just showed my massive problems. I have had a soda or a glass of iced tea, or any fruit juice in five weeks. Drinking only water allowed me to drop ten pounds without any change but that. 5% of my body weight lost, just by not drinking soda...too easy...

Actually Pyramider I will. I used to eat out every meal. I just don't do that as much anymore. Instead of restaurant reviews, I'll be giving reviews on my own recipes and entrees from My Fit Foods. I may do one about a healthy menu item I find as well. Eating healthy doesn't mean giving up what you love...

Actually I don't care about the people. I'm being selfish. I have hobbied a grand total of one time in the past three months. Part of the reason for that is because we have an over abundance of fat whores here in Houston, being one of the fattest cities in the US. It's time to I can get laid again...because I don't pay fat chicks to fuck...end of story...

P.S.-On second thought, if you want help, send me a PM and I'll see what advice I can give...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The range for my height is at the low end 136lbs. I have seen people my height that way 136lbs and they were at MDACC and nearly dead.
Wakeup's Avatar
The range for my height is at the low end 136lbs. I have seen people my height that way 136lbs and they were at MDACC and nearly dead. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
There's a link on that page called "About Adult BMI" it...
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
The range for my height is at the low end 136lbs. I have seen people my height that way 136lbs and they were at MDACC and nearly dead. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Yeah I remember the first time I saw a BMI index years ago...... Was at a Dr.s office in North Carolina getting my knee checked out in the middle of the season..... I was 24.... 6'3", 234lbs with about 9% body fat...... Was a minor league ball player and was considered by that chart as obeese...... So its all realative (as the Doc told me)........

Wakeup's Avatar
Not relative actually. BMI is just a horrific indicator of bodily health, that's why organizations use it, to show you the worst.

% body fat is a much better indicator, but we don't have immersion tanks laying around to get a true body fat index and not many people know how to do a caliper or tape test accurately either. BMI is easy to check, and wildly conservative, that's why it's used.

I chose to post it specifically...we all know that the vast majority of the people here aren't in the "my muscle mass is high and my body fat percentage is low so the scale is wrong" catagory...

Just got back from the doctor. Lost 13lbs in five weeks doing absolutely no exercise. It's simply a food lifestyle choice that anyone can do...the fat lazy bastards just choose not to, and I refuse to coddle them anymore...
Captain Correlli's Avatar
But, here are the laws of weight control, take them for what they're worth.

1. If you take in more calories than you exert, you're going to gain weight.
2. If you take in more calories than you exert, you're going to gain weight.
3. If you take in more calories than you exert, you're going to gain weight.
4. If you take in more calories than you exert, you're going to gain weight.

Do something about it...because if you think that I've been uncaring about fat people in the past...just realize that I was fat, and was just being easy on you out of my own feelings of self-loathing. Now you're just fucked... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Strange topics show up on the SHMB sometimes.

Anyway, I once was a firm believer in all of the above, the First Rule of Thermodynamics being inviolate after all. Except maybe it's not the same with metabolism. Maybe the type of calories you take in make a world of difference. Lots of research is coming out now that says everything we've been told over the last 40-50 years about eating, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. was all a bunch of bullshit.

The easy to understand version is here:

The you need to understand a little biochemistry version is here:

All that I eat these days is real food. Nothing from a drive through, nothing out of a box, nothing with added sugar, etc. My health has dramatically improved, and my family's health (I do 90%of the cooking) has improved as well. Even the youngest kid's nearly incurable acne almost completely went away in a few weeks when he finally cut back on most of the crap in his diet.

Always believed fatties were that way because they were lazy gluttons, but now I realize that obesity is only partially due to sloth and gluttony. There is a fair bit of bad science, a ton of lazy "experts" following along, and god knows how much money being made selling shitty food.

I'm not going to start fucking fat chicks anytime soon, but I have more sympathy and empathy than I once had.
LittleSpike's Avatar
Strange topics show up on the SHMB sometimes.

Anyway, I once was a firm believer in all of the above, the First Rule of Thermodynamics being inviolate after all. Except maybe it's not the same with metabolism. Maybe the type of calories you take in make a world of difference. Lots of research is coming out now that says everything we've been told over the last 40-50 years about eating, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. was all a bunch of bullshit.

The easy to understand version is here:

The you need to understand a little biochemistry version is here:

All that I eat these days is real food. Nothing from a drive through, nothing out of a box, nothing with added sugar, etc. My health has dramatically improved, and my family's health (I do 90%of the cooking) has improved as well. Even the youngest kid's nearly incurable acne almost completely went away in a few weeks when he finally cut back on most of the crap in his diet.

Always believed fatties were that way because they were lazy gluttons, but now I realize that obesity is only partially due to sloth and gluttony. There is a fair bit of bad science, a ton of lazy "experts" following along, and god knows how much money being made selling shitty food.

I'm not going to start fucking fat chicks anytime soon, but I have more sympathy and empathy than I once had. Originally Posted by Captain Correlli

Thanks for the link to Dr. Lustig's videos. Great information there !

Wakeup's Avatar
The best statement to come out of the two episodes last night of The Weight of the Nation was this: "as a society, we eat that which is profitable."

Food companies spent $2.3 billion last year to advertise just to children. Imagine what they and restaurants are spending on advertising in total. We, the fat, lazy bastards we are, fall for it.

Even when I was eating My Fit Foods at $26 for three meals, I was STILL spending less money on food than I was when eating out every day. Now that I have learned to cook healthier foods on my own, I can make a batch of turkey chili that will last me for two weeks (or about sixteen meals) in the freezer and still cost less than that $26. It's quicker too. I spend one night to simmer it for 50 minutes and then I don't have to do anything but microwave it for 2 minutes every meal after that. That's just one example.

We all know that obesity is a combination of both genetics and behaviors. That being said, every single person on this board could lose 5% of their body weight by doing nothing more than monitoring their caloric intake over 8 weeks. Them choosing not to do so is nothing but pure laziness.

I have some small sympathy for that extremely small percentage of abnormal obese people...the vast majority of us are nothing but excuse making, rationalizing, blame others lazy fucks. I've got no sympathy for that...

I like some of Lustig's statements, but blaming the world's ills on fructose alone...c'mon. He highlights the facts that we sit around and consume horrible foods, but tends to gloss over the fact that this lack of activity on the output can be a reason why our input side is unbalanced. He's concentrating on one cure all item to improve obesity, when in fact he's doing nothing different than Atkins focusing on carbohydrates, or high-protein diets focused on that. There is no magic bullet...and none of these "fad" diets, or specificity diets work for everyone. I like the items he's presenting, and I'm certainly limiting myself to 26g of sugar per day, but trying to tell us that this one thing will cure obesity in America is a bit of not being able to see the forest for the trees.

Limiting more of certain calories works for some and not for others. What will work for everyone is just limiting overall caloric intake across the board.
I cant believe wakeup is capable of an intelligent, thought provoking thread. So true. I understand beauty is in the eye of the beholder but being overweight is simply unhealthy. Great thread. Didnt know you cared. Originally Posted by snowballpeter

Yes, being too over weight is unhealthy....

So is

riding a motorcycle
having kids after 35
and being underweight... which a lot of ladies are.

come on guys..

I am very healthy.

WAKEUP...I understand your "post" -- I have not been over weight all my life. I actually played vollyball from 6th grade untill my jr year in college.. and have really put on weight over the last few years... so I was always fit... but lack of this, lack of that, will lead to gaining it, and quick..

How ever, you or any one else.. can not tell me that I am ugly.. just because I have put on weight......

In fact..... I guess there are just too many people out here who have over looked the weight factor because, MY phone rings all day. And before I was in this business, It sitll rang.. because I am far from ugly.

Thank you to my wonderful SO, who shows me every day that not all men are like....

the ones on this board!!!
Wakeup's Avatar
How ever, you or any one else.. can not tell me that I am ugly.. just because I have put on weight...... Originally Posted by NIKKILOVE
I think you're fat and ugly and I have no sympathy for your laziness. See how that works? I can indeed tell you those very things because that's my opinions and I believe them.

Further, you've admitted that you used to be in shape. The difference between us is that I admitted my laziness and chose...I make a difference in my life instead of blindly accepting my laziness and my poor health. There's absolutely nothing you can say to me to justify your lack of making that same choice...

As for your phone ringing...I'm going to share something with you...

Last night on The Weight of the Nation a very brave and very obese woman got on camera during an interview and said "I don't want chubby chasers to like me. I don't want to be accepted because I'm fat." You shouldn't be proud of the fact that your phone rings off the hook with guys wanting to see you because you're should be proud of your phone ringing off the hook with guys who hate fat chicks...

Again, your statement is nothing but acceptance of your horrible health condition and showing a complete unwillingness to change it. Congratulations.

P.S.-I told you people not to expect any sympathy from me. Did you somehow doubt that? Did I not make that clear? Come here to ask questions, fine. Come here to make a comment, fine. Come here to justify your obesity or show the fact that you're proud of being fat, and you get what I told you you'd get...those days are gone...and I can only hope that our society comes to the same conclusion...that acceptance is the same as granting permission...
I could talk all day about this, but simply put, here is what works for me. For the most part, I had a pretty fast metabolism until my mid forties. I have been working out and exercising since my teens. Unfortunately, since my metabolism was so fast and I never had to worry about gaining weight, I ate whatever the fuck I wanted, and I especially liked fatty foods. At 45 years old, I was, and still am 5’9” and 150 lbs.
I am lean, well muscled for my stature, and even at my advanced age of 51, I still have easily visible abs. But, at 45 years old, and after years of eating fatty foods, I had a massive heart attack. I actually had what you commonly hear referred to as the widow maker. My left anterior artery was completely blocked. Fortunately, I was literally minutes away from an emergency room, as you seldom get more than about ten minutes to survive the widow maker without medical attention. I was airlifted to St. Luke’s and spent 9 days in ICU. I did suffer some heart muscle loss, and while recuperating, my metabolism completely changed. I can now easily gain weight. I no longer have the luxury of a crazy fast metabolism. In addition, I obviously had to change my diet for health reasons.
Despite the muscle damage, If I wanted to go “balls to the wall” in the gym, I still could. I just don’t like the way my heart reacts. When you push a damaged heart to the point of arrhythmia, it does get a little unnerving. I have found that the following works really well for me, and I can actually say that my physique is back to normal. And I don’t have to spend nearly as much time working out. My workouts seldom take over 10 or 15 minutes.
I no longer do endless multiple sets per body part. I do two sets for body part only. My first set is with a moderate weight that I can essentially warm up with, but at least get anywhere from 15 to twenty reps out of to thoroughly warm up the muscle for the next set. I give myself exactly one minute and twenty seconds before the next set. I increase the weight and do that set to complete failure, often with forced reps. I don’t play around with that second set, I work that muscle until I can barely move it anymore. I have not lost any muscle size at all by limiting my sets. I have actually seen slight gains. No more spending an hour+ in the gym, I can knock out a few body parts in a matter of minutes.
My diet is pretty simple, I quit eating crap! Lean sources of protein with veggies and whole grains, three meals a day with a couple of protein shakes thrown in. Your body needs the protein to build muscle, and when you carry muscle, you increase your metabolism, thus burning fat. Cut out the complex carbs. (if you don’t believe cutting out the complex cabs doesn’t work, watch someone that gets diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. If they really want to live, and actually follow the diet, the weight peels right off of them rapidly. I have seen a few of my coworkers who were anywhere from a medium build to obese, make amazing changes to their physiques by simply following a diabetic diet.) Only drink diet soft drinks when you must have a soft drink. Seriously, does anyone need a drink with the equivalent of anywhere from ten to fifteen tea spoons of sugar in it?
When you must have sweets, there are a number of low cal, low fat, treats out there these days that taste delicious! When I have a chocolate craving, those cheap little low fat, 90 calorie, chocolate Snack Packs are fucking delicious! Just eat one of them, it will get you through your chocolate craving.
And yes, I actually treat myself to one cheat meal a week. I actually look forward to it. I always have it on a weekend, when I am likely to stay busy all weekend and burn a few extra calories anyway. I don’t stuff myself. For that matter, I never stuff myself anymore. Fulfill your craving for food, and back the fuck away from the table. It may take you a few weeks to get used to not stuffing yourself anymore, but I promise, you will get used to it.
I devote very little time and energy to this lifestyle, but as simple as it sounds, I’m certain it would work for anyone. Basically, watch the number and type of calories you take it, get plenty of protein, devote twenty or so minutes to working out at least three times a week, and rest assured, you will lose weight!
On another note, I seldom endorse an infomercial product, but the P90X routine really does work. I’ve seen it work for a number of people. It has a great diet and exercise plan, and if you are in a hurry to shed weight, this routine will do it for you. However, I do think it is overkill, and I would only recommend it if someone is in a hurry to rapidly lose weight. I can’t imagine anyone sticking with that program for the long haul. But, for someone just getting interested in becoming fit, it is a great plan. After you shed the pounds, you can then take on a more sane workout and diet routine.