PROVIDER?? Do you currently have a REAL JOB or are in COLLEGE

I was wondering how many providers do this Full time as their only means of income and how many work a real tax paying job and/or go to school??

I am still enrolled in college and I work 15 hrs a week doing my internship for college.

Providing and the hobby is a great time for me as I do not date in the RW.
DUE TO TIME Which I don't have much of being a single mom of teenagers on top of all the other stuff.
But I'm doing what I love and loving what I do.
justjackie's Avatar
*Raises Hand*

That is exactly why I can not show my face.
I'm in school, no job. I want to be able to be as open as possible about my sex work and working for the Man would put too much restraint on that and many other things. I mean, I like restraints, but only when I want to play 3:-)
  • Djblu
  • 04-22-2014, 07:40 PM
As a newcomer....very interesting thread. Wish more had replied.
Squarenot's Avatar
Me: I am not a provider - I am on the other end of the stick.
I just saw some photographs of my college reunion. Man, those dudes look old.
sexy booty's Avatar
I am not in school or have a job but when I was a minor I couldn't speak for my self like a adult I tried but my mother didn't accept me to speak for myself. she help me get on government help fought it for more than 4 yrs or so. I get two check's a month and it is still not enough for me to live on my own also had mother daughter drama. long story short I am wanting to find a job and some of that money I been getting helped with will be taken away when I find a job. its hard to choose and hard to find a job also thx for reading good luck to everyone of you can work and not stuck in my position to choose and witch way to go.
I am not in school or have a job but when I was a minor I couldn't speak for my self like a adult I tried but my mother didn't accept me to speak for myself. she help me get on government help fought it for more than 4 yrs or so. I get two check's a month and it is still not enough for me to live on my own also had mother daughter drama. long story short I am wanting to find a job and some of that money I been getting helped with will be taken away when I find a job. its hard to choose and hard to find a job also thx for reading good luck to everyone of you can work and not stuck in my position to choose and witch way to go. Originally Posted by sexylatinabooty

It starts with an education or training in some field. You're better off going for grants in education than gov. hand outs.

Like they say it's better to learn to fish for a lifetime than to be given a fish for one meal.

Choosing between "a low pay job" or "Free money funded by tax payers" is a place you can rise above as a young attractive woman.

Train for a career in any field and you can even stop providing which isn't a healthy or wise long term career option.

Some young students here use providing merely as a stepping stone for easy cash until they can spread their wings and leave the hobby behind..

Don't turn into an older provider who has to provide in order to survive. You possess youth and beauty. Don't take these for granted because time passes quickly in the hobby and you will lose both.

With an education you can do what you Want to do rather than what you Have to do to survive.
It's all about choice
Best of luck.
Beagle's Avatar
^^^Words of wisdom right there
  • Haley
  • 04-23-2014, 10:18 AM
I used the hobby to fund most of my B.A. I did not want to be a poor college student or live off student loans, so the hobby it was. Post graduation I left this little world for a while. Now I have a RL world nerdy job, and still pop in from time to time.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Thanks for all the replies.
I knew some of us had an education and real life responsibilities other than the hobby
Jennatx's Avatar
I work a real job but only at nights. I plan to start classes
next month for CNA. I dont want to date at this point in my life
i am single no kids. I dont do the club thing I dont go to bars
to pick up men. So when i hobby I love it its fun and there no real
worries of relationship drama.
Can't explain it, but I notice a difference between full time providers and women who work full time/part time and use the hobby on the side to augment their real life. Harder to schedule the ones who work, but I'm OK with that.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I do my.full time job as I am a single mom and am very hands on with my kiddos.Doing this allows me to work when I want/need to without having to.depend on strangers (i.e daycare) .
Do I I get.a.taxpaying job..of course..but I choose this and still pay my.taxes and I am dependant only on myself
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I have a two degrees and the loans to show for it. I am doing this and my cleaning job which I suppose would be a full time job if i had more clients. Either way, I get to choose when I work most of the time.