FBI Sends Over Heavilly Redacted Interview Notes.

So this is how Hillary has it both ways.
"There were no secret documents on my e-mail"

But then, those very e-mails that she was quizzed on by the FBI had to be so heavilly redacted when sent over to Congress because of their highly sensitive nature that they were useless.


All kept on a private server, mind you.

Comey is being revealed to be nothing more than a Clinton Political Hack. I wonder what negatives the Clintons have hidden away on him.

Or, maybe this is his way to get her. Sort of like Pilate did with Jesus. "I wash my hands of the whole thing".
bambino's Avatar
It's a joke. Maybe she'll shit herself on stage at the 1st debate. Candy Crowly will wipe her ass.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's a joke. Maybe she'll shit herself on stage at the 1st debate. Candy Crowly will wipe her ass. Originally Posted by bambino
she's going to DIE. on stage. in full view of the world. Trump will antagonize her so hard she'll suffer an Aneurysm and die.

Donald Trump will then be attacked by an enraged William Blythe (for cutting off his gravy train, not out of any love for the HildeWhore). Trump will strangle him to death on stage.

Chelsea will then be shot 99 times by Trump's Secret Service detail after she rushes Trump with a bic pen trying to stab him. Meanwhile, the ClinTard's secret service detail will be spotted behind the stage ... LAUGHING and CHEERING.

what a perfect and fitting end to the ClinTard Clan.