Search Issue

Texas Tourist's Avatar
I cannot seem to search by phone number - is that a feature that exists here? Or, am I just a fumble fingered klutz?
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I'm not staff. Try this number 214-926-6747 in the provider showcase search. That format seems to work. It also works in the search tab under keywords. Maybe that will help until a mod gets you an answer.
rakuguy's Avatar
I'm not staff. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
But you're doing a bang up job. Anyway what am-a-pleaser said. Seems to work for me as well. Might depend on the precise phone formatting of the number you are searching ie.. if the number includes hyphens around the area code or just simple dashes. Extra spaces could also prevent a match. I would think most would just have the dashes but I'm sure it varies by provider since it appears to be a free text field.

GneissGuy's Avatar
Try searching for just the last 4 digits of the number. You might get a few extra hits you don't want, but it may get what you want.
The Wolf's Avatar
I am having an issue with searching phone #'s as well. It seems that when I enter a specific phone # (like 817-XXX-XXXX format) I get an insane # of matches with nothing to do with the phone #...what am I doing wrong? I would rather just see the matches for the exact phone # (even if it is nothing) than pages of random stuff
Black Sedan's Avatar
Actually I hope the staff sees this...

You can get a decent phone number search by using a google query in the form of: 817-366-7779

But I have to wonder, is it intentional that google is allowed to index the board? I realize that you don't have to register to see most of eccie, so maybe that's pretty much the same thing.