Shadow Government?

Since they have no chance of being elected, now they have their own government? Can't wait to see what type of laws they pass, and most interestingly, how they will enforce them.

Now this is some scary shit. Some nutjobs showing up to your house to enforce their "selective" legislation.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually it is a fact in England. The party that is out of power has a "shadow goverment" with officers and everything. The point is that with every important decision by the ruling party the shadow government can offer their own solution for comparison. They have no real authority and it is not sinister. Just keeps a politician from saying after the fact, "I would have done it differently".
Seems like .... Pointless.
She has balls though.
sounds like a perfect fit for you JD
Sounds like Johnny doesn't like the playground, so he's created an imaginary one.