Spinner/Fit/Hardbody girls

  • hudl
  • 03-13-2015, 06:19 PM
I am very attracted to girls in these categories. Rage, age, and height are not important to me. Ive done a search and Dallas has a lot of girls to choose from.
In your expert opionions who are the top girls that fit my description? Thanks for your imput.
txexetoo's Avatar
pistol is the top spinner and no one has a harder body than Aprill
pyramider's Avatar
Do your own research. Only you know what type of lady floats your boat. The information is out there, just look for it rather than waiting on someone else to tell you.
  • hudl
  • 03-13-2015, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the advice. I will put both of those ladies on my to do list.
TinMan's Avatar
I just saw Dallas Bella after her return from retirement. I'd put her in the "fit" category, as opposed to spinner or hardbody.

Btw, when you say "top" girls, what exactly do you mean? Best looking, best menu, IOP? I can think of a lot of ladies that meet the spinner/fit/hardbody description, but my recommendation changes based on what else you may be looking for.

You're right, though. There are a LOT of women to choose from here. Nothing wrong with asking for some suggestions to start your research.
Hercules's Avatar
Isn't the White Queen coming back to visit D? Me thinks she definately qualifies.