The beginning of a sexual predator or not?

FirePhoenix's Avatar
So I had an interesting session not to long ago. The hobbyist tried a "trick" that at first I thought was mildly amusing. Then I really thought about the ramifications of the "trick",and started to become worried for the hobbyist and women that he may use the "trick " with. Ultimately my question will be is this person unknowingly being harmful or not?
The " trick " involves hypnosis. The hobbyist gets the woman into a supposedly relaxed state of mind, suggests tgat when he says a word the woman will have the best orgasm ever, then leads her out of it to act like nothing was said and then session continues . For me this doesn't work due to certain experiences in life. Hopefully I have explained this "trick " well enough without going into to much detail.
My issues with what the hobbyist is doing :
1)The hobbyist isn't skilled in hypnosis and can leave weakness or opening for others to exploit.
2) There is the potential for it to be harmful to the woman if she has repressed memories, feeling of explanation, or just a bad sexual past that she hasn't dealt with. Basically you have opened up a bad can of worms.
3)By doing this the hobbyist has created a feeling of mistrust, an underlying sense of unease that the woman will not fully understand where it's coming from. So the hobbyist has already wrecked any kind of further relationship due to trust issues.
4) It is my belief that someone who does this sort of "trick" has self-confidence issues in sex.
I truly believe that the hobbyist would be horrified at the thought of harming anyone or being a sexual preditor. On the other hand I do believe he has caused harm and victimization unknowingly.
So I am asking what males and females think of this "trick".
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I would love to be hypnotized by someone that is licensed in the area...although I think most of it is fake
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I'm sure that maybe one day you'll try someone that's a professional, but that isn't what this thread is talking about or asking. If you have an opinion about wether the hobbyist is being harmful or not than I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I wouldn't allow it...
Danielle Reid's Avatar
No, he's not being hurtful. The most he's doing is wasting people's time. opinion.
I once saw a backpage escort who was into meditation and a lot of spiritual mumbo jumbo..

What made the session so excellent was the fact that our session started with small talk that extended to real talk. It felt like we were two adults discussing about life and with her talk about spiritual shit and meditation lead me to believe I was with a prudish body rub only girl (body rub bp girls tend to post in the escort section).

Fastforward to her telling me to lay on my back but naked, eyes closed, mentally in another place. After some frontal massages I'm surprised that a condom is now over my penis. She spends several minutes, maybe up to 10, just grinding against my condom covered penis, she encourages me to keep meditating which I was. Next thing I know my dick is in her vagina and she's riding me cowgirl to completion.

The experience on a scale of 1 to 10 was a 12.5.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Hypnotherapy can be very beneficial to some, but it comes with its own drawbacks. The drawbacks being suggested memories, or false memories due to what the mind creates on it's own or drawn from stuff seen or heard of in thw past.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
If you don't like it, don't do it. Some people enjoy the thought process and the mind-opening experience. Others are so fucked up that even a simple smell could trigger a repressed memory.
moonshiner's Avatar
Only weak minded people are open to the power of suggestion. That's why hypnotism and subliminal advertising only work on a limited sector of the population.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I was hoping that when I wrote this that people would understand that the woman isn't aware that he is doing this. Its one thing to agree to hypnosis and another not to know that it is being done to you. That's part of the question if yhat makes a preditor or not.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Please also try to understand it isn't fuck up to have a smell,word,sound, or sight to trigger a memory or feeling. We are all hard wired like that. A smell of cookies can mean Christmas morning, seeing an old scruffy cat can remind someone of that aunt that pinched their cheeks to hard as a kid and smelled funny. It's a natural part of our mind and how we associate with memories
Please also try to understand it isn't fuck up to have a smell,word,sound, or sight to trigger a memory or feeling. We are all hard wired like that. A smell of cookies can mean Christmas morning, seeing an old scruffy cat can remind someone of that aunt that pinched their cheeks to hard as a kid and smelled funny. It's a natural part of our mind and how we associate with memories Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
How did she get hypnotized without knowing?
European's Avatar
That does sound dangerous, if you do it going to a licensed person to assist with something else that is different but a guy just offering it up saying you'd get a good orgasm due to it that sounds a little bit dangerous to say the least. I would suggest any companions to not allow such a thing
FirePhoenix's Avatar
To the person who posted "only the weak minded can be hypnotized " that is a completely untrue statement. I truly wish this person would use a search engine before posting, but at this point he is just an online stalker. There is really only 2 types of people that can't be hypnotized. I happen to be both.
1 ) the more of an analytical thinker a person is then it's less likely that person can be hypnotized
2)someone who has training in metal defenses or spotting suggestive influences
moonshiner's Avatar
Hogwash you have to be a weak minded person who can't recognize repetition, or wants to believe in it.
Kind of like the millions brainwashed into believing when they die a guy in the clouds is going to judge them for their deeds.