Democrats have created 51 fake local news outlets ahead of the election to amplify partisan messages.

berryberry's Avatar
It's bad enough the Democrats have the libtard mainstrem media 100% in the tank for them spreading fake news. Now the Democrats have created 51 FAKE LOCAL NEWS outlets to try and further decieve the American public.


They know libtard voters are gullible and just plain dumb. We see it here every day

Writers for a D.C.-based media operation run by prominent Democratic operatives are behind a sprawling network of ostensible local media outlets churning out Democrat-aligned news content in midterm battleground states, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: Behind the patina of independent local news, these sites are pumping out content designed to put a sheen of original reporting on partisan messaging.

It's an increasingly common tactic among political outfits looking to give their team a steady stream of positive content they can then use to boost their own electoral communications.
What's happening: A network of at least 51 locally branded news sites has popped up since last year under names like the Milwaukee Metro Times, the Mecklenburg Herald and the Tri-City Record.

The sites are focused on key swing states with elections in 2021 and 2022: Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Michigan, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Each follows a similar template: aggregated local news content and short write-ups about local sports teams and attractions — interspersed with heavily slanted political news aimed at boosting Democratic midterm candidates and attacking Republican opponents.

The intrigue: "About Us" pages for each of the sites say they're run by a company called Local Report Inc., which was formed in Florida last year.

Their mastheads indicate involvement by another entity: the American Independent, a Washington-based progressive news outfit.
Six American Independent writers have each contributed to most or all of the sites in the network, according to an Axios review of bylines on the sites.

While all of the sites aggregate content from other sources, all six of those authors regularly write stories directly for the Local Report network, with numerous articles appearing exclusively on those sites.

The American Independent was launched by Democratic operative and fundraiser David Brock — also known for founding the left-leaning media watchdog Media Matters for America.

TAI's president, Matt Fuehrmeyer, is a former senior aide at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and to Harry Reid, the late former Senate Democratic leader.

The for-profit entity is funded in part by the nonprofit arm of American Bridge, an opposition research-focused Democratic super PAC, according to its website.

What they're saying: Jessica McCreight, TAI's executive editor, described its relationship with Local Report Inc. as a "co-publishing agreement" but would not say whether her organization has editorial control over the sites' content.


What they do offer is a steady stream of friendly news coverage that can be touted by political allies.

In addition to the Abrams campaign, Local Report stories have popped up in communications from the Democratic Parties of Georgia and Michigan, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Michigan's Democratic secretary of state and independent political groups such as Color of Change and the Democratic Coalition.

NewsGuard, which monitors and rates news outlet trustworthiness, last month highlighted a separate network of TAI-branded news sites focused on some of the same states.

TAI's state affiliates "fail to adhere to several basic journalistic standards,” NewsGuard wrote, in part due to their murky relationship with TAI itself.
berryberry's Avatar
Is this a threat to democracy? This feels like a threat to democracy.
HDGristle's Avatar
No more a threat to democracy than one man shilling one-sided shit that's either anti-Democrat or pro-Republican all day, every day right here in The Stump
berryberry's Avatar
Seems like Senile Biden went on and on about threats to Democracy.

Creating 51 fake news sites to push Libtard candidates surely would fit under his definition of a threat to democracy

And you know it is when you see the usual suspects from the left here dismissing it and trying to deflect with their shit-posting
HDGristle's Avatar
Nope. It's just as insignificant.

Don't ask questions if you don't want honest answers and spare us the manufactured outrage

The consistent need to label me a lefty is as played out as this election season is tedious, but keep banging that drum.
berryberry's Avatar
Not surprised that some don't understand rhetorical questions

But hey, some of the usual suspects on the left here take whatever opportunity they can to deflect and shitpost.
rmg_35's Avatar
Isn't it there 1st amendment right to free speech? Or is that only for the right-wing radical propaganda.

I love how tRumptards lump liberal media and mainstream media together because they don't post lying-ass bullshit right-wing propaganda. Yes, there is radical left-wing bullshit propaganda media too, but some can't figure out the difference because they got the lips so far up tRumps truth-social and faux news asses that it's plugging their ears to the mainstream media.
rmg_35's Avatar
Not surprised that some don't understand rhetorical questions

But hey, some of the usual suspects on the left here take whatever opportunity they can to deflect and shitpost. Originally Posted by berryberry
All some do on here is post shit multiple times a day.
HDGristle's Avatar
You get the direct answer anyway, berry, my dear friend. Care to show anything on how the right is doing the exact same things?

Or have your aggregators not caught up yet? Connect any dots?

We'll wait...
HDGristle's Avatar
All some do on here is post shit multiple times a day. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Ain't that the damn truth?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Democrat party = Ingsoc, there’s just no way around it. They’re actually better at it, with tools Orwell could’ve never imagined.
HDGristle's Avatar
Democrat party = Ingsoc, there’s just no way around it. They’re actually better at it, with tools Orwell could’ve never imagined. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
The need to tent the other side up as a better shadowy puppetmaster than your shadowy puppetmaster is incredibly adorable, but also quite droll.

Let's try this again. Once more, with feeling...
eyecu2's Avatar
Democrat party = Ingsoc, there’s just no way around it. They’re actually better at it, with tools Orwell could’ve never imagined. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Either propaganda party could be substitutions as INGSOC. the fact that theology has become a front and center point of many points of the GOP is echoing current focus is a forshadowing the influence of evangelicals, where in the distant past, it was religion and theology that people were controlled by more than anything else.

How long till this starts tipping further into religion & theology vs ideology of politics? Will the theology of the right dominate the script for the GOP, starting with controlling women, and reproductive rights, while at the same time accusing the other side of stripping so called constitutional rights.

False speech is free speech and my gun is more important than your life. CRT is taught in grade schools , but really only at college levels courses for specific majors.

I wonder when moderates will find a voice to tell the extremists to fuck off on both sides? Or is there no room now w Hyper politics?
HDGristle's Avatar
Oh, they can certainly fuck off
Jacuzzme's Avatar
When did abortion become a constitutional right?

Life, Liberty, and the right to dismember babies? I don’t remember that part.