Ukraine is lost

texassapper's Avatar
An abridged and concise version of a speech of the US Colonel and former Virginia State Senator, Richard H. Black.

◾️Ukraine is almost out of ammunition.
◾️Ukraine is losing 6000 soldiers every month. 60 times greater than the US suffered in Vietnam.
◾️Ukraine is finished.
◾️NATO recognise the war is lost.
◾️The sanctions war has failed.
◾️Biden attempts to strangle Russian trade has failed.
◾️Independent countries resent to be told who they may or not trade with.
◾️Anyone who expects the Russians to crack do not understand the Russian psyche.
◾️The world soon must come to terms with reality, the war is lost.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-22-2022, 05:45 AM
What if Ukraine were Israel?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
But JL, you haven’t really provided any evidence that your claims are so. Just what this dude said, and frankly, we all know how much you Trumpites respect the opinion of the military.

Especially one who openly supported Assad in Syria and downplayed (hushed) rape in the military.

I bet you didn’t check your source… though maybe you did. He seems like your kinda guy.
East Ukraine is won.
Azov battalion is crushed.
texassapper's Avatar
Ukraine bans primary opposition party, seizing all its assets and money
The ban of the country’s largest opposition party effectively signals an end to democracy in the Eastern European country, which is currently involved in a conflict with Russia over its eastern provinces.

I wonder what there is to defend Ukraine for now...
I wonder what there is to defend Ukraine for now... Originally Posted by texassapper
Misguided virtue signalling.
More money for arms producers at tax payer expense.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Comerade Putin is proud of you.

Freedom lovers and all.
Comerade Putin is proud of you.

Freedom lovers and all. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Putin is not a Bolshevik, comrade.
The Bolsheviks killed off the Tzar as well as his family and servants.
I have family members that had to evacuate during the ' glorious peoples revolution' , as well as later when the Soviets invaded the Baltic states.

Go back to fapping over Marx.
texassapper's Avatar
The latest is that Lithuania (NATO member) is blocking rail traffic to Kaliningrad. NATO and the US are praying for an armed Russian response so that they can justify invoking article 5 and going to open warfare with the Russians. all in the name of.... well at this point, all they have left is the Great Reset to work towards.

It sure isn't to save Democracy in Ukraine which Zelensky just ended.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Putin is not a Bolshevik, comrade.
The Bolsheviks killed off the Tzar as well as his family and servants.
I have family members that had to evacuate during the ' glorious peoples revolution' , as well as later when the Soviets invaded the Baltic states.

Go back to fapping over Marx. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
Putin is/was a Soviet and a totalitarian.

You and your RWW pals adore him like all good Trumpites do.

My family fled the Baltics as well. But from the Tsar. You must be descended from one of the people we had to flee.

Is there a point? Or did you just want to use the word “fapping?”
You were from canuck in your previous incarnation...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
What if Ukraine were Israel? Originally Posted by WTF
It is not. Besides, Russia has a lot of Jews.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Ukraine bans primary opposition party, seizing all its assets and money
The ban of the country’s largest opposition party effectively signals an end to democracy in the Eastern European country... Originally Posted by texassapper
Sounds like Nazi Germany. Any Nazi milling about in Ukraine - I wonder???
texassapper's Avatar
Sounds like Nazi Germany. Any Nazi milling about in Ukraine - I wonder??? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
milling about, goose stepping, it's all the same thing....
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What if Ukraine were Israel? Originally Posted by WTF

what if they were?