Community Involvement

I'm still fairly new to the hobby and I've been absolutely blown away by how great the community is. Just a few months ago, it never would've even occurred to me that there would be a "community" for this at all. Being active and involved in a community based around something I'm passionate about is literally my favorite thing to do in the world. Even if I was to stop actively hobbying, I can't imagine not continuing to enjoy the community around it now that I've discovered it.

My question is, aside from obvious things like writing reviews, what other ways are there for people to give back to the community as a whole? I have the utmost respect for the moderators and admins of sites like ECCIE but I'm way too new to be able to give back in a way like that. Other than those things, I can't think of a way to contribute as much as I'd like.

Cornhole a pig.
I could use contributions to my hobby fund. PM me for direct deposit details.
ck1942's Avatar

About all you can do is offer respect and kindness.

Don't let the jerks or jackoffs get to you.

Don't expect to forge great relationships outside of the boudoirs! OTC is way overrated and also can be too entangling.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
There's always those in need. Reach out (to help, not exploit).
ICU 812's Avatar
With the coming discussion on modifying (replacing, fixing . . .whatever) The Affordable Care Act, I suggest that the community lobby for inclusion of Hobby support benafits through medicare for senior-citizen Hobbyists.

Some sort of voucher program or donation subsidy administered by the IRS should work.
Only involvement a man should want is as a consumer. If you want to be used and taken to the cleaners they are plenty here willing to do that. This place, the hobby world, is based upon lies and decption. You do not even know real names here and if she told you her real name, then she tells everyone and you are not special. What kind of community here? Has a foundation of deception, why would you want to be involved beyond your own selfish wants? Just looking to throw away your money, time, and efforts. These ladies make much more money than you do. And wait for her good charity first, but my guess is you will be waiting a very long time. She will not be there to help you most likely. Just call her and ask for a ride, your car broke down, no money, not much effort on her part, she will be too busy. Charity or community is not one sided, community means good for all involved not just the women. A community based on lies cannot stand. But if you want to learn that lesson the hard way, go for it, get involved.