Just Love Halloween Season.... Dont You?

Tiffany Tyler's Avatar
It's that time of year again when we get to bring out all the cool & spooky halloween decorations.
We get to dress up as anything or anyone we want to be. LOL!

Do you like halloween?
What's your favorite halloween theme?
Are you dressing up this year? If so, As What?

Id love to hear all about your halloween traditions!

I can't wait to dress up this year!
I'm definitely going to have to take some pics of this one for sure.
It's going to be greatness!

Anyone doing anything special or fun this year?

WTOilMan's Avatar
Each year we, our old friends, rent a big ol house somewhere; this year its in Galveston over Halloween weekend. 20 or 25 of us roll in and cook brisket and ribs and burgers, listen to music and 5 or 6 of us play live music. Guitars, banjo, anything really. Sometimes, some may even go to bed to sleep. At the end there is an auction. The money made from that funds next years party. Thats what I will be doing.
Gnostalgia's Avatar
This year I'll be dressing as myself. It will be terrifying!