Trump is a harmless, bumbling fool.

Lapdog's Avatar
Trump is little more than a harmless irritation who embarrasses our nation on the world stage, cheats at golf, and provides fodder for late night talk show comedy. Admittedly, he has been instrumental in dividing our nation, but we will begin healing and recovering the moment this bumbling fool is gone. We recovered from the Nixon/Watergate scandal, we recovered from Clinton/Lewinski, etc. and we will recover from him. This nation will be fine.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump is little more than a harmless irritation who embarrasses our nation on the world stage, cheats at golf, and provides fodder for late night talk show comedy. Admittedly, he has been instrumental in dividing our nation, but we will begin healing and recovering the moment this bumbling fool is gone. We recovered from the Nixon/Watergate scandal, we recovered from Clinton/Lewinski, etc. and we will recover from him. This nation will be fine. Originally Posted by Lapdog

Obama divided the nation. On purpose. Did you know if Obama had a son he'd look like Trayvon?

yeah .. sure he would. a thug punk wanna-be gang banger.
here's the Racist in Chief saying so!

George Zimmerman: Obama targeted me

Did the Justice Department incite the 2012 Trayvon Martin protests?

Judicial Watch said Wednesday that it "has obtained documents in response to local, state, and federal records requests revealing that a little-known unit of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Community Relations Service (CRS), was deployed to Sanford, Fla., following the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman."

So .. you were saying a President has divided the Nation! Well you're right! But it's not Trump.

Lapdog's Avatar
Obama divided the nation. On purpose. Did you know if Obama had a son he'd be like Trayvon?

yeah .. sure he would. a thug punk wanna-be gang banger. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
BAHAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog

SEE BELOW. Thank you valued poster!

Obama divided the nation. On purpose. Did you know if Obama had a son he'd look like Trayvon?

yeah .. sure he would. a thug punk wanna-be gang banger.
here's the Racist in Chief saying so!

George Zimmerman: Obama targeted me

Did the Justice Department incite the 2012 Trayvon Martin protests?

Judicial Watch said Wednesday that it "has obtained documents in response to local, state, and federal records requests revealing that a little-known unit of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Community Relations Service (CRS), was deployed to Sanford, Fla., following the Trayvon Martin shooting to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman."

So .. you were saying a President has divided the Nation! Well you're right! But it's not Trump.

BAHHAHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Lapdog's Avatar
SEE BELOW. Thank you valued poster!
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Typical right wing response: Deflect and Deny! BAHAAAAA
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Typical right wing response: Deflect and Deny! BAHAAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog

typical leftist wingnut thread. you said Trump divided the nation. i say the proof is Obama divided it.

so let's play a video game, shall we? this will be fun! like recess in grade school! Yah!

let's play "Who is the real Divider in Chief"?

Trump ..

Obama ...
Trump is little more than a harmless irritation who embarrasses our nation on the world stage, cheats at golf, and provides fodder for late night talk show comedy. Admittedly, he has been instrumental in dividing our nation, but we will begin healing and recovering the moment this bumbling fool is gone. We recovered from the Nixon/Watergate scandal, we recovered from Clinton/Lewinski, etc. and we will recover from him. This nation will be fine. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Someone is walking through the 5 stages of grief.

Is this Denial, Bargaining, Depression, or Acceptance?

An actual discussion point other than Trump bad and harmless would be a nice reasonable post, but instead we get this.
Budman's Avatar
Trump has opened the door to the best economy and employment figures in decades. Pretty fucking good for a bumbling fool. A hell of a lot better than your house boy obama. Keep whining you fucking bitch. Just remember he'll be gone in about 6 years.
Redhot1960's Avatar
BAAAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
Hotrod511's Avatar
Trump is little more than a harmless irritation who embarrasses our nation on the world stage, cheats at golf, and provides fodder for late night talk show comedy. Admittedly, he has been instrumental in dividing our nation, but we will begin healing and recovering the moment this bumbling fool is gone. We recovered from the Nixon/Watergate scandal, we recovered from Clinton/Lewinski, etc. and we will recover from him. This nation will be fine. Originally Posted by Lapdog

typical leftist wingnut thread. you said Trump divided the nation. i say the proof is Obama divided it.

so let's play a video game, shall we? this will be fun! like recess in grade school! Yah!

let's play "Who is the real Divider in Chief"?

Trump ..

Obama ... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Those videos say it all.

So, to bring differing cultures/sub-cultures together, the left should paint the white officer as a racist KKK member slaughtering an innocent 300 pound feral buck on a rampage? Then make it a national crisis?

Taking a private conversation and amplifying it into a national discussion about abusing women?

Not to mention the Trevon Martin "If I had a son" fan-fair, and Homo marriage (Obomo was opposed to before he 'evolved').

The left knows exactly what they are doing and who they are targeting. Targeting folks like the OP and low I.Q. emotionally based intellects.

It's very easy to accept the idea of "white privilege" making you a loser. Or the cops are all KKK members because they put down a violent feral buck. Wait, I mean a fine upstanding citizen that had his rights violated by a white cracker KKK police officer.

At some deep level of realization/thought, the "lower" left knows this to be true. But it's just too difficult for lower left to accept. The elite left absolutely understand.
Typical right wing response: Deflect and Deny! BAHAAAAA Originally Posted by Lapdog
Typical right wing response...yeah right.
Deflect...Barr has got to go...why so worried about him...Hummmm
Deny...Mulehead report found no indictable crimes...the left is going to fabricate one.
Talk about deflect and denying that!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Trump is a harmless, bumbling fool.
Then why bother with him and start stupid threads? Are you trying to convince yourself, because you sure aren't "convincing" anyone else of such a thing, except, of course, that you are a "harmless, bumbling fool."
Lapdog's Avatar
It's "not" me who "needs" convincing. "Being" that this "is" a public "forum", I "am" within my "rights" to "post" whatever "comes to "mind". "I" do this "not to "increase" my "post count", but to "validate" my "sincerity", which "obviously" irritates "you". Thank you valued poser.

LexusLover's Avatar
It's "not" me who "needs" convincing. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Rock moss is also difficult to "convince"! The rock or the moss.

But a mult-Billionaire like you can probably talk shit about other rich people. Right?