
I am sitting here lunch is ready ahead of time so I have time to think about being Thankful...

I am Thankful for my family and friends, my non hobby work and yes my church family too. Each of those groups feed a part of my soul that makes me the person I am. The HOBBY is a huge part of me. I am Thankful for those that spend time with me in Huntsville allowing me to move and expand my vanilla business here.

Just know you guys and gals are on my mind today as well. I hope each of you are spending the day with people that bring out the best in you.
Thank you Heidi. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with my wife and friends. I hope yours was wonderful as well.
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Thank you Heidi. Same to you. And to all of you who might read this.
I'm thankful I may survive the food poisoning I got from someone who doesn't understand that poultry has to be handled in a certain manner as to prevent cross contamination. It has been a rough 48 hours.
Big Heretic.. That sucks... Hope you feel better soon...