Game of Thrones comparison

Hahaha.. I thought this was funny.. if you watch Game of Thrones you will get this..
I see you had not one single reply to this very on-target post before I read it. Your intelligence is wasted like "Pearls Cast to the Swine".

It is also one of the chief reasons the Teapublican subjects are easily fooled by full frontal stupidity from their handlers.

Funny stuff, SexyEccentric. Too bad the swine don't appreciate anything but the continual pig slop they are fed by FAUX and AM Hate Radio.
I can't argue with most of these. Except Steven Colbert is nothing but a class clown. Tyrion Lannister is a cold, calculating, and deadly schemer with his wealth, and Braum at his side.

Clinton is pretty dead on, except the 'cold blond' Cercia, while not fucking Robert Barartheon, seems to fuck just about anything else, including her brother.

Who do you think will sit on the Iron Throne when it's all over? Not what the books say, but what will make for the best Television.
It's a fucking movie. It's not REAL. WAKE THE FUCK UP.

I do watch it though. I do like it.
It's damned good entertainment. Just because some liberal hack site makes comparisons does not make it any less.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually Odumbo is more like Prince Joffrey Baratheon -- a petulant ruler who rules by fiat and wants to reign over all others. Robb Stark, on the other hand, is unlike Odumbo in that he wants to be left alone to rule in his kingdom -- a likely supporter of the 10th Amendment -- that definitely is not Odumbo. BTW, another way Prince Joffrey is not like Gingrich, Joffrey is not married and doesn't appear to like women.