I'll miss y'all 😘

So, I've decided to leave the hobby... this isn't going to be a sexy, or funny post, so if you aren't interested in knowing why feel free to leave now...

I wasn't going to explain myself to anyone except the few regulars I felt attached to...
It's a possibility I may continue to see regulars UTR but I haven't yet decided...

A few months ago I was being harassed repetively. When I refused to comply willingly I was forced to have sex with him... this man has a lot of power and money and tried to hold my job over my head. He began making threats against my family so I quit. Since then I have struggled to pay bills and had to send my kids to my parents for a few days while trying to get utilities back on... he found out and has been harassing me again trying to get me to come back and "work part time" for him...
he knows about the hobby (no I didn't tell him, he was on the site) and told me he would "never pay ...... because he's too good for that"
I will be meeting with lawyers in the next few weeks
I don't want to risk anyone's safety so I will be closing all of my accounts and asking admins to help me mask my numbers and anything else that may be easily found and linked to me.

I didn't take this to court from the beginning because of the hobby, but now it has gone way way too far...... he's become obsessive and dangerous and I need to keep my family safe and keep him from doing this to anyone else....

That's all I feel comfortable telling, so please don't ask any questions.

I will be making an ad since I have appointments scheduled until this weekend and will honor any appointment made up until then....

Be advised my numbers will be changing and I will be deleting all profiles linked to the hobby. Only known clients will be getting new information upon request.

Thank you all for your understanding in this situation 😘
Hogfan69's Avatar
Wow, I hate we haven't gotten to meet yet but you need to get this taken care of and him shut down. Hopefully you can make your way back to us one day but best of luck to you no matter what!.
I'm so sorry to hear about your trouble and I sincerely hope you're successful in getting it resolved.
Sad to see you leave, Miss Tsar. Hope you get everything worked out without too much trouble!
ddepthroatme's Avatar
Sorry to hear You had kind of been on my to see list
Sad to read this and sad to see you leave. Good luck taking care of business.
I hate that stuff like this happens. Number one NOBODY needs to be pressured into doing anything with their body they don't want.
This is one of the reasons the "hobby" needs to be legalized keep the criminal element out.
Sorry to hear about your problems. No one should ever have to be put in that situation. Hope you get it resolved and he gets his just desserts.
Wow Tsar, I didn't realize it had gotten that serious. I'm so sorry
So sorry you are going through that and hope that the situation resolves in your favor very soon.

It concerns me that he's also on this site... I know that I certainly wouldn't want to have any interaction with someone like that. If you feel comfortable letting me know his handle, please PM.
Sorry this happened to you Tsar
Vannah's Avatar
I hate that someone so sweet is going through something so awful. I wish you nothing but the best and I hope everything works in your favor. Stay strong, beautiful!
XmanVirgo's Avatar
I hate that someone so sweet is going through something so awful. I wish you nothing but the best and I hope everything works in your favor. Stay strong, beautiful! Originally Posted by Vannah
I just want to say thank you for all the love and support y'all have shown through this! I really expected a bit of negativity with comments like "you're a whore, what'd you expect" or some shit like that, but I have gotten nothing but positive messages and I can't express how amazing that is and how much it helps.

I'm not big on sharing extremely personal things so it was a big step for me.

Ladies, he doesn't have a handle here, he just snoops. I can say he's an elderly man (almost 70) who ownes numerous business in Eldorado, I haven't run into any other hobbiests who meet those criteria here in Eldo in nearly 3 years, so I think it's safe to say you will know him if he contacts you. I don't feel comfortable giving out any other information of his, but I promise you will know him. He's cocky and loves to throw his name and money around.
Tsar anyone who has met you can't help but know you're just a wonderful person...therefore all the love and support!!