Can you forgive me? I'm being sincere...

First off, I would like to apologize greatly and deeply to my past, present, and future
clients for any disapointment I caused recently. I'm young, impulsive, and made some unruly
decisions with a foggy mindframe a couple of weeks ago and I am greatly remorseful for it.
I understand some burned briges cannot be mended but all I ask is the simple forgiveness
from those who I put a frown on your face instead of a smile.
I'm young, but I'm wise enough to realize and admit
to my wrong-doings and apologize for them. I let my mind drive me crazy for about three or so
days a couple weeks ago, having personal love triangle problems with my girlfriends that I lived
with, mom problems, I just let stress build up on me and I basically snapped under pressure.
What really happened, I needed to pay my moms rent because as a daughter that obviously
knows some tricks of the trade that her mother doesnt know, I felt obligated to keep her from getting evicted.
I contacted my old provider friend to maybe make a trip with me to help me feel safer while away from home.
I also contacted an old client friend that I knew from the city to maybe give me some pointers
on areas to stay in. He was even nice enough to offer to provide me with transportation, room, and
anything else I could need, he just wanted me down there, period. The night we got there, my friend and I
stayed the night at his house because it was so late when we got into town. The morning we woke up, my client
and I did a session at his house, there was no cash advance whatsoever in regards to that.
After I had been there a day, it was told to my provider friend and I that we were expected to split the room cost
($135 each is what was said to us), no big deal, we agreed and moved on with conversation at lunch. The second
night that we were there, we got very spooked by a client that had said some very upsetting and kinda scary things
to us and it was crucial to us that we left that night for our own safety. It was about 3 a.m. so I didn't want to
call and be a disturbance that late at night to a working man. My friend called and texted the client since I was
driving all the way home and told him that we were more than willing to reimburst him for the money that he had
spent getting us situated, and being a caring gentlemen, that I still to this day am thankful for, but no reply
was ever recieved.
We tried to do the right thing, but in the end we still messed up. I am greatly and deeply sorry for
leaving that city so early, and any confusion, disapointment, and grief caused by me because that was not and is
not ever my intent. I love what I do, I honestly don't plan on going to college, or working at a regular job,
I plan to be a provider for a living, and a legendary one at that. I obviously couldn't be doing much wrong
to gain the status and the reviews that I've gained since I joined this site, but being human, I'm not perfect.
I'm young, wild, and impulsive with no authority but the law above me, so I tend to make mistakes sometimes but
I would never intentionally decieve anyone because that's not who I am so I please ask for your forgiveness for
my slip up/crazy spell; if not, I understand,but anyone that has actually seen me will vouch for me in the sense
that I love what I do and don't plan to go anywhere but further down the road of life with this little incident behind me.
Actions speak louder than words, so watch me prove to you that this top notch provider isn't going anywhere
but up from here.
TrailBlazer's Avatar

I have wanted to see you on so many occasions but there are 3 or 4 various threads here that have you have associated with management. Most everyone that has visited with you in Dallas since the end of September are NOT regular posters with a long positive board history, nor Mods.
I have to say, your pics, especially the "enhanced ones" are very enticing. You are a beautiful young lady, but alot of us here cannot take chances of seeing providers that are managed.
My recommendations:
1) Ditch management if there is any. Go independent!
2) Change your name. There are several Roxy's around. Browse the provider ads for ideas. Could be the beginning to a new start.
3) Get some professional pics done too. Several hobbiests are pro-photographers.
4) Make friends with established providers, and get away from those girlfriend problems.
5) Answer serious inquiries, emails, and PM's promptly.
6) Use P411 more often. A providers best friend!

So you've made some mistakes lately, and I applaud you for coming clean. But us hobbiests have no idea that this very post could or couldn't have been done by management.
If the above writing style is indeed you, then it is indicative of an educated young lady. You are hot with a rockin' body and reviews show how sweet you are. You have such potential to do very well here! Please don't waste it!
bojulay's Avatar
You need to someway prove that your not " MANAGED "
That seems to be everyone's main concern here.

You are a very lovely young lady who seems to be a
real sweetheart that maybe needs to grow up a little
bit and start making some better decisions.

You could be one of the top girls around.
Hope you make a new beginning for real.
And wish you nothing but the best of luck
if you are truly sincere.

You don't need any manager running your
business. Being independent is the only
way to go. I think maybe you realize that.

I wish you the best of luck, and hope everything
works out for you. Just be real and be yourself.
You have everything it takes.

Take it from someone that's beaten the odds
more than once, and come out on the other
side much stronger and wiser.

Just don't get discouraged and fall back into
an old pattern. Put the past behind, hold your
head up, and keep moving forward.

And if your being real you'll come out on top
believe me. Honesty always wins out in the
end. Just takes a little time that's all so
be patient and hang in there.

Mistakes are good for one thing, to learn from.
you can't change them, but you can learn
from them. The only people that never
make any mistakes are dead or in a coma, or
maybe that guy sitting at the right hand of
Good luck
yes, good luck.

if you've been "managed" and you are "afraid" to branch out all by yourself - take the lead from some of the older girls on the board (just not me - I have kids and insane life already - couldn't take the time to guide anyone with any decent advice)

even some of the escorting for dummies type stuff could help you...hell, I learned how to do all of this all on my own.

cell phone
and the board

the rest is screening
customer service
and running a smart business.

Good luck
TexTushHog's Avatar
It seems to me that the first step in repairing your reputation is to make restitution to the hobbyist you refer to in your post. Saying you're sorry is only a starting point. I didn't quite follow the entire story, but whatever money you refer to as "spent getting us situated" needs to be paid back. The fact that he didn't return the post is irrelevant. He'll return it when you tell him you have a cashier's check and need an address to mail it to.

In short, talk is cheap. Actions are what matter.
uparoundnoon's Avatar
I'm the guy. And you got that right TTHog talk is cheap. And this post is nothing more than damage control. But these Dallas guys aren't that stupid to believe the "sincere" part. First of all you saying that you and your friend called and texted me to make restitution is a complete lie. If it was true why would I have come on here to put an alert? And if you really wanted to apologize to me why not call me directly or return or answer one of my calls to you. Instead you come on here like this is supposed to make you look contrite.

And I've heard you use that "I'm young and impulsive" crap as an excuse a few times. In fact you said it was the reason you hooked up with a pimp in the first place. "I was young and impulsive". Then grow up. And stop using youth as an excuse to lie and bullshit people.

When I posted that alert I was pissed off but I'm over it. I never realized it would create such a shit storm when one of the mods moved it to "Discussions'. I guess the guys in Big D REALLY hate the idea of pimps on principal. I was mainly upset because I went thru a LOT of trouble trying to help you and protect you and many hours of my time trying to hook you up discreetly with contacts and e-mails because I was afraid that 41 year old dude may hurt you. You said he stole all your money that was supposed to be kept for you. And now it looks like you are back with him because the phone # you use now is one you said was his and he took from you. Also he controls your account and I can tell he is using the same style ads to post for you.

So who wrote this post? Was it you or the pimp who is upset because all this has hurt your reputation and the income is down a little? Don't worry Mr. Pimp because in time this will all blow over and that's a hot girl you brainwashed there. And ultimately that's what the men care about. Hell that's why I went thru all this trouble and ultimately humiliation because she is so cute. And because I thought she was my friend.

In fact I don't even know if it's him or you who posted this or who the hell I'm talkin to. The info is crap. That last date that Kira saw actually told me you guys were leaving in the middle of the night. And as for you worried about waking me up that's a complete lie because I was texting you at the time you were leaving town. So maybe this little "apology" will back fire on you and him because it's obviously just damage control to repair your reputation.

But if it's the girl (Foxxxy) I'm talking to then in spite of all this I still wish you well. I'm a believer in forgiveness because life is too short to be dragging bad feelings around. So if it's you and there is an ounce of sincerity in your apology then I accept it. Plus I agree with all the above. Ditch the dude. And I just have to say it's still going to be a beautiful Christmas.

PS And if you want to send me a money order for $280 I will gladly accept it and come on here and tell folks that you paid for the room.
husdat's Avatar
I can't even imagine all the shit you've probably had to deal with that brought you to that point. It's probably one of the more unpleasant sides of providing that most people would rather ignore. That doesn't excuse you though for some of the bad choices you made... but everyone makes mistakes, and I'm glad to see that you're trying to make things right.

Speaking only for myself, I never really cared about all the drama because I knew that when it came right down to it and it was just you and me behind closed doors, you were gonna spend the hour putting a ridiculous smile of my face while the rest of the world could go fuck itself
uparoundnoon's Avatar
"Speaking only for myself, I never really cared about all the drama because I knew that when it came right down to it and it was just you and me"

See Mr. Pimp I told you everything is going to be fine. You will be able to buy that new fur coat.
bojulay's Avatar
Let me just say again if you are being sincere you will come out
on top. If your not you will probably go down with the ship and
not even be the Captain, if you know what I mean. It's just the
way things work eventually. Call it carma or whatever you like
it's much bigger than you or me or anyone else. No one should
ever think that they are bigger than it is. The people that do
eventually have to face the sad reality that they were wrong.
Anyway hope that your sincerity is genuine, and best of luck.

And the main thing to remember is that if you are being sincere
everyone will be behind you once they know that it's true.
But if they find out that your not. I don't even want to say.

Might as well move to Florida.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
How did the amount get reduced from $600 to $280?
How did the amount get reduced from $600 to $280? Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
Review Count:

Sept. = 14
Oct. = 7
Nov. = 4
Dec. = 0

Pay up or Crash-n-Burn

trynagetlaid's Avatar
She can't afford to Pay the Money Back.

I wonder if mom got evicted???
I'd like to sign up for the prepay special

Pm me if you are interested Roxy
Randy4Candy's Avatar
LOL at monkmonk...guess that you're not exactly convinced, eh?

Well, FoxxyRoxxy, with a crown tat the size of freaking Mt. Rushmore on the lower left of your cute little belly, who wouldn't think that you have "management issues?"

It looks like more than one in this little drama have stepped in a pile of steaming sh*t. First, you with the pimparoo, then the guy in SA for falling for your line of boola-sheeta, and finally, the guy who doesn't give a rat's ass about whether or not you are managed.

OTOH, if this is a legit deal, we'll see you drag yourself out of your situation and, perhaps, make a go of it on your own. It's up to you though a lot of us have money on the under.