Obama Struck Secret Deal With Big Pharma To Get Support for Obamacare

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I thought he was on the side of the little guy, and not influenced by the giant lobbyists.

LOL! Can't keep a straight face with that one!

Anyway, the Hero of the Poor is in bed with Big Pharma. Surprised? Not really. Just another lie.


He cut a deal with Pharma and the AMA. Behind closed doors with the Republicans literally locked out. The Medical Supply Industry was not able to reach a deal. Most doctors didn't know the specifics of the deal the AMA reached with the Congressional Leaders (its was more with Pelosi than Obama) and are now balking at it.

Yes, the most transparent President in our history, in "full view" of CSPAN. Ridiculous, if not outright shameful, with the full complicity of the mainstream media.
No suprise here. Fuckem
Guest123018-4's Avatar
He cut a deal with the insurance companies too so they would be behind it.
This is why there is an individual mandate which will be the reason the court knocks it out.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-17-2012, 06:40 AM
Ya'll are just now realizing this? There are books out touching on this. That is how things get passed btw.
Is this supposed to be some sort of a revelation COG? All of this is well-known....

And, of course, was necessitated by repuke obstructionism to the health-care bill. Your resistance to the idea that all Americans, rich and poor, should be able to receive competent affordable health care (the horror) forced Obama and the house dems to cut deals.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The lengths they will go to to defend this crook. Amazing.
And, of course, was necessitated by repuke obstructionism to the health-care bill. Your resistance to the idea that all Americans, rich and poor, should be able to receive competent affordable health care (the horror) forced Obama and the house dems to cut deals. Originally Posted by timpage
"Obstructionism" forced Obama and House Democrats to do no such thing.

Cramming through a very expensive (and very bad) new entitlement program while the economy was struggling to recover from the worst recession in many decades was fiscal recklessness of the highest order. They should have backed up and started over, and promoted reform in such a way that wouldn't explode costs. Unresolved questions regarding mandates and costs created an overhang of uncertainly that is now hampering job creation and prospects for economic growth.

The Germans, for instance, created a health care system that covers virtually everyone while controlling costs. Our plan was all about scoring political points, not enacting sound, affordable policy.

In 2003, Bush and House Republicans crammed through a very expensive, poorly designed, and unpaid-for prescription drug entitlement expansion that was, in large measure, a rich bonanza for the pharma industry.

Many people (quite justifiably) slammed them for doing so, but have no problem with Obama doing essentially the same thing. That's nothing more than rank hypocrisy.