Girls! we need our own forum!!!

Its come to my attention that some men have a problem with some of us girls. They post all this b.s. about us, but where's are forum to discuss about you guys? In other cities there is one that us girls can post, when rude behavior, or when we get stood up!

For example: I've got a guy saying I kept him waiting 5 hours!!!! Thats complete b.s. I thought I was able to secure a sitter, but unfortunately she didn't come through and I have NO control over other people. Nights are not always good for me. I'm a daytime person during the week. There is an occasional night I might be able to accommodate. Most fridays and Saturdays are open for night time appointments. I find this b.s.childish drama completely stupid!

Us girls need our own forum to discuss what happens on our side. There are always two sides to each story.

Please give us are own forum!!

This is really getting old. Us girls having to defend our selves.

Please !!! Give us our own forum.

I'm sure you girls can appreciate this comment.

I'm tired of having to defend myself.
Chloe, cpalmson can probably confirm. PM Lea Madison for access to the powder room. Amazing Dixie had the same request in January. Best of luck
Well a) you are hard to book with lol and b) You have nothing to apologize for or defend yourself about if you have a kid and can't find a sitter. I think most hobbyists that read reviews, posts, and do their own homework realize you have other priorities. You can't please everyone even though you surely know how to please
There seems to be a hidden agenda against some of these girls. Chloe is hands down the best provider that I have ever seen.

She is a drop dead gorgeous fitness model type that is a freak in the bed, yet other hobbyist seem to badmouth her for some reason.

I'm constantly disappointed at other girls, who receive raving reviews, yet when I show up they have saggy tits, stinky pussy, and crack breath.

What's up with this? Why do the good ones get slammed and the bad ones get praised. smh
From what I've read, you have 99% glowing reviews. I guess 1 review about "waiting" issues might turn someone off, but I think everyone knows there are times when significant others (spouses/children) can change everything...and I would hope both providers and hobbyists take that into account. I'm still crossing my fingers for whenever I can fix my end of the issue and meet with you!
Doodle23's Avatar
You have a very solid rep as far as being a provider is concerned. The only issue that seems to be a very common complaint is that you can be hard to book appointments with and scheduling can be extremely difficult with you. It's not a big deal though. I don't think its a stretch to say that you can be hard to book with. I also tried to see you before and you canceled at the very last minute. That has NEVER happened to me with any other provider. Now you can get your panties twisted at that and think I am just out to get you for no reason, or you can see this as just a factual statement and nothing more.

You seem like a nice girl. Don't take it personally. We all share our experiences on here whether that be good, bad, or indifferent. Perhaps the better solution would be a bit more professional with booking instead of worrying about another forum. You need to remember that for us guys the scheduling thing is a minor issue that it doesn't even cross our radar that much. I personally would still see you despite any of this.
Cpalmson's Avatar
I think we already have powder room for the ladies. If not, I will see about getting one set up. BTW, Chloe is probably THE one local I want to see most. We've tried several times but haven't been able to meet-- not her fault or mine. It is just one of those things. I'm sure we will hook up sooner or later.
And I can confirm that Chloe is one of the best as my review clearly states......will definitely repeat.
I have been at this for a long long time and I concur that Chloe is by far the best and most gorgeous provider in the area. Those of you that have spent much time with her know she is one hell of a great person as well. Providers dont always have the luxury of being available 24 - 7. They do have lives and priorities outside the biz. I for one applaud the fact Chloe has her priorities in the right place and will always put her child first. I very rarely have scheduling issues with Chloe or any provider.... but I am also a good client and any provider that has seen me will tell you that. I am not one to bicker over pricing by trying to get discounted rates and I certainly don't expect a provider to furnish a room. I am also not a a fat, hairy, hygenically challenged slob. For those of you having scheduling issues with providers you may want to consider what type of a client you are...just sayin..... because I sure dont have scheduling issues with anyone.....I find treating providers and dancers with a bit of respect pays huge huge dividends.....
Cpalmson's Avatar
Chloe, there is a lady's room. You should have access to it. Check your PMs for more details.

We local mods are not in charge of the ladies powder room. She will have to contact Lea or another lady mod to gain access so she can vent there.

Chloe is a jewel. In the last year she has always been easy to schedule and a delight to be with. Chloe is a 12 on a scale of 10.

Happy Valentine Day
you people crack me up.... at no point was it ever said that chloe was a 'bad provider'. what was said was that her time management, scheduling and communication skills were lacking and that I was no longer going to try and see her again. yes again. I have seen chloe and she is one of the best providers that I have seen. that being said....

the way some of you are posting you would think that she is the only provider that has a child. lol.... tell me one provider that doesn't have kids.

For every post in this thread saying what a delight and how easy it is to schedule with her i have received pm's from guys saying that she has canceled on them at the last minute after they have driven to the area, or they messaged her and get no reply.

Again..... I never said Chloe was a bad provider. I just said what everyone knows and is too afraid or scared to say in a public forum. Time management, Scheduling, lack of communication.
you people crack me up.... at no point was it ever said that chloe was a 'bad provider'. what was said was that her time management, scheduling and communication skills were lacking and that I was no longer going to try and see her again. yes again. I have seen chloe and she is one of the best providers that I have seen. that being said....

the way some of you are posting you would think that she is the only provider that has a child. lol.... tell me one provider that doesn't have kids.

For every post in this thread saying what a delight and how easy it is to schedule with her i have received pm's from guys saying that she has canceled on them at the last minute after they have driven to the area, or they messaged her and get no reply.

Again..... I never said Chloe was a bad provider. I just said what everyone knows and is too afraid or scared to say in a public forum. Time management, Scheduling, lack of communication. Originally Posted by JustTheTipO69
Seriously, you need to get over it and move on. Way too much drama posting about having your time wasted on a Sunday afternoon and "taking a break" because providers cancel and posting how you're not interested in seeing her again. It's been said several times that she isn't the best when it comes to scheduling - so stop acting like it's a surprise when it actually happens. If you want to book with Chloe - expect that you may or may not get an appt and expect that it may or may not take several times.

... and who are you to question her role as a mother? You don't know what she's dealing with and if she can't find a sitter - she's not gonna see you, period. Yea, other providers have kids and I'm sure other providers aren't the best moms either.

Being a provider isn't her main priority in life, but some act like it should be her main priority and some think they have some kind of entitlement to see her just because they're willing to drop 3 $$$ bills. Seeing her is a privilege, not a right.
Providers have kids? Next you will tell me there is no Easter Bunny!