Little bits of life

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You know you have been scanning way to many provider ads and for to long when you drive down 1960 Houston and you recognise women you never met before.

Look before you leap. In the navy they have incident reports they share each week about injuries that happened to personnel on base or in the service to stress safety. One was about a young man trying to show off can catch the foot ball passing over a 3 foot wall. He did realise on the other side of the wall was a 40ft drop.

While in California a guy in Sacramento needed gas for his car and decided to use his shop-vac to get the gas out of his boat. While shop-vacs do handle liquids they are not designed to handle explosive or flammable liquids. He did survive with quite a bit of burns but his garage and boat were a loss.

In the naval nuclear program it isn't uncommon for the Nukes to play tricks on the no nukes primarily because there is a good deal of ribbing both ways. Painting a bunch of bee-bees glowing green and tossing them down a hall and calling out neutron leak just to watch a bunch of seamen run all over each other to get out of there is a bit funny.

Sending someone to go get dehydrated water is always another good laugh.

Or starting an imaginary pass line and see how many people you can get to stand in line thinking they are lined up for a shore pass or something else.

During the last 2 hurricane evacuations from Houston you could see a large number of cars sitting in fairly slow traffic on I-10 they are the sheep who need others to think for them. Did you know US-90 runs parallel to I-10 and is about 20 feet north of it. There was hardly anyone on it. I know I drove down that.

I put out a house fire once while I was in the Navy. A friends wife had given me a lift to the grocery store because my vehicle was totalled a week earlier do to black ICE. I got a bit of burn to my throat do to breathing in a high temp environment. (Hot enough to melt the smoke alarm off the wall.) So put the kitchen and ceiling fire out before the FD showed up. I got in trouble by command because I wasn't supposed to be friends with instructors. Then the friend of mine was upset because he would have gotten 3 times what he paid for the house if it burned down. Sometimes good deeds just don't pay.