Am I the only one....

Who can't stand TER. All it is are girls running specials, posting pics, men gawking at them and complaining about something.

I also read where it has been infiltrated by LE.

Eccie members provoke conversation and opinions. Thank you!

No, but fortunately it helps my business when I get a new review. I have such a hard time navigating the site and they always change my website/ad website and I keep having to send in request to change it back. And unless I pay for it I am very limited. Also I had to have so many reviews to get into other sections. I got them and still no change.
I generally like TER.

No, I do not like every part of it. For example, I don't like the way ladies use aliases to whine about how ugly, useless, stupid, unclean, etc. their clients are. I also don't like the way gentlemen use aliases to berate and demean providers.

However, on the plus side, I find the ads useful, the review system to be an easy way to check rates for ladies who don't reference reviews or rates in their ads, and generally the forums are interesting reading.

As for LE infiltration, I am quite certain that ANY venue whose purposes might be construed as furthering possibly illegal activities would have LE's eye. Any other belief is sheer folly.
ForumPoster's Avatar
Did you ever find out why you were banned from TER?

Did you ever find out why you were banned from TER?

Lina Originally Posted by Sensual Lina
Was Alex banned? I thought she had simply left. Interesting!

Obviously, someone who has been banned by a venue would have motive for a less-than-even-handed view of that venue.
No. But it has happened to a few people I know.
A friend of mine mentioned "Alex Lieberman" in one of his posts and got banned. Maybe they just don't like people with opinions.......I felt that way about TER long before I got my blog.
Rudyard K's Avatar
Was Alex banned? Originally Posted by Laurentius
No. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
I felt that way about TER long before I got banned Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
I've got no dog in this hunt...but that's confusing even to me.
I've got no dog in this hunt...but that's confusing even to me. Originally Posted by Rudyard K

She's saying that she doesn't know why she was banned, and advances the hypothesis that she was banned for having opinions.

However, I see opinions like those that she advances put forward by other providers on that venue; so I would be hard-pressed to ascertain which of her opinions would have motivated banning.

But my guess is that she put on some CFM pumps and tracked bubble gum all over their carpet.
What a woman! sigh
John Bull's Avatar
Discussion of other sites is generally allowed when it's just a comment or so, but threads devoted to trashing other sites, even ones that many don't like, are not encouraged. That's why this thread is closed, Charles.