Ty lovelys I'm very sweet with a little bitch side at times hmmm could've been, #1 Holidays busy for this whore so I extended my SPECIALS for those I couldn't see still extended until Sunday,#2 If I was such a rude WHORE first time what TARD would ever call again? Heh YMMV, DIDN'T DO SCREENING PROPERLY,OR COULD BE NONE of YOUR BUISNESS WHO ANSWER MY PHONE! I change my number not that it's your BUISNESS but I answer my phone this INDEPENDENT RUDE WHORE BAG! So to end this I DNT know you never heard of you and def will never see you I'm to SWEET TCB BCD with the lovelys that probably did my Screening correct! Ty you ALL above glad I could make your time fun welcome to revisit anytime,at Holiday Grandfather Clause...TOODLES,time to meet another lovely that's not nosey & polite