Hey Gentlemen
So I was wondering why is it ladies have to ask if your a member of a online board when we post else where?
I'm just really curious as to why we would have to ask especially with the gentlemen that uses apps as hobby numbers.
I know myself and a few other ladies don't accept app numbers unless the gentleman is an well established member.
Then get irritated when members don't introduce their-self and we ask why are you contacting me with an app especially when the post states NO APP numbers.
I always make first contact here, then tell them how I will contact them after I get a confirmation that they got my IM on here.
If possible I try to make contact by PM here first. Once we are talking I let them know what number I will be contacting them from. I have never had anyone question the use of my hobby phone app. I have to use it, a second phone in my possession would be disastrous. But, PM here first, anywhere else I also tell them my handle on here and some have never heard of eccie.
I agree with the both you. I appreciate the heads up on the PM as your first initial contact especially when
you're using an App #.
All I ask is for members here to utilize your membership.
I accept 'verified' App #'s so please just send a PM first and
give me a heads up.
Safety and communication is key.
Thanks guys for understanding