are the best! You all just don't hear it enough!

I just want to say that if I make you guys feel even half as sexy as y’all make me feel…DAMN!

I know I am not the youngest, most fit or most beautiful lady in the hobby. Honestly, I am probably way harder on myself than anyone could be, but there are times during play time, that I feel so confident and like I am the most beautiful lady in the world.

Trust has nothing to do with EGO…and everything to do with how you gentlemen treat me as a woman.
You guys are certainly experts at knowing how to get the best out of your partner.
Your touch, your kisses and your passion.... I am so lucky!

Providers are human. A lot of us do this because we actually enjoy the human touch and the interactions. You gentlemen that make me look forward to visiting with you…make this worth all the other stuff that comes along with this “career”.

Thanks to you guys who don't make us feel like because you make a donation to our financial well being...that we are less of a human, or like you own us.
Thanks to you guys who understand when we have to put our families first. Thanks to you guys who believe us when we say that we like you as a person and appreciate you and all you do to help make out lives more stable.

Anyway, I have been wanting to say this for awhile.

Thank you!
lda523287's Avatar
And Reese, so are you! Thank you for being the best for years!
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Thank you Reese! For all of the negativity on this board there are a great many men and women here who don't add to the drama and handle their business quietly. You are one of them and it is definitely appreciated.
planojim's Avatar
Reese! Simply are one BEAUTIFUL woman! BEAUTIFUL both in personality AND sexuality! Love you darlin!
Thanks Reese!!! The gentlemen on here that have been in your presence appreciates your touch, kisses, and passion!!! It isn't called the RF Experience for nothing.
Early2riser's Avatar
This is part of why Reese rocks. Great in all aspects 😉
You are beautiful inside & out! I enjoyed getting to know and spend time with you! Thanks for all you do!
TheEccie214's Avatar
You're one of the few gals here NOBODY could say anything negative about. And FYI, you may be the most beautiful woman in the hobby.

For the most part women in the hobby are treated like they deserve, you always have a great attitude thus that's a major multiplier on your already amazing physical beauty.
cypher1996's Avatar
Yes Reese, you are stellar! While i've only known you a relatively short while - you make me a better give more of yourself than I deserve, I know that ..

Can't wait til the next time we meet. :-)
You're one of the very best and it is not at all hard to see why. Your personality and looks are both spectacular.
mm-good's Avatar
Mmmmm.....All the more reason we need to meet !!

You are amazing.

Till then, Kisses & LIcks
silverstate53's Avatar
Reese i am so flattered LOL You are a doll !!!!
FunInDFW's Avatar
Every session I hear I'm the best, though.
plove35's Avatar
Well Ms Foster, how beautiful of you to write something like this. I havent had the pleasure of you (yet), but I can see by this post that a session.with you will be the bees knees
doug_dfw's Avatar
Your expression of appreciation for the gentlemanly Hobbyist brings to memory a similar one by an ATF sometime ago who, shortly after, left our World; and I still miss.

I have not made your acquaintance but from the comments in this thread you are an ATF to many for some time.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness and warm heart. Making a public statement takes compassion and courage.

I am blessed being able to be with my ATF when I can.