New Escort Site stealing ads from others sites and collecting Hobbyist Data

Be very aware that this is not a site that any providers has chosen to advertise on. When you ( the hobbyist) fills in the contact form on that site ( not the one the ladies have on their site) the owner of this site is getting all your info. Most of the cities have the same pics on each city a few have actual ladies they have stolen from actual sites like eros.
I think who ever is doing this is targeting certain cities ( like Houston). The home page actually has the template they bought to make the site's info
Also...I'm never posted an AD on, but I'm on there. No idea how / who.
Caramel Kisses's Avatar
Haven't personally seen that site before now , but usually on those sites there's a removal request link somewhere .
I have never been a member of Eroticmonkey so have never posted there. But at least some of my ECCIE reviews appear there.
Does anyone know how to get your info removed from them for good? I put in requests on the sites but It just seems like I get double the next round when they put it back up. I hear you may have to pay? Thats just ridiculous.
ck1942's Avatar
The best defense, such as it is, from the grab 'em sites is thin at best. But, watermarking your photos so that wherever they may appear legit players can always find you might help.

Putting your contact data only in your signature or showcase causes more work for the grabbers.

There are aslo more private options, such as having your own website and other options not available here that might help.

Providers must be diligent to avoid the imitators, but it is often more work than some are willing to invest.
I hate that. I had to email the sites telling them I didn't authorize this. I'm also on erotic monkey and some other BS sites that are posting out dated pictures and old rates and advertisin false information.
bizzly1001's Avatar
Scraper sites like eroticmonkey steal from this site and TER. the people who need to do the take down requests via a DMCA copyright claim is ECCIE and TER but they might just say that the users generated the content. I'd call BS on the claim it was all user generated but it might be a losing battle to make them prove it was real users. I bet they scraped a bunch of reviews to seed their own site.

Either way, providers need to always watermark your images. Here's a tutorial video on how you could do it yourself or give it to a virtual assistant to do through I think phone numbers should be on there because it gives you free exposure to more clients potentially but at least put your website on there.
sexyfog's Avatar
I dont think this is a problem as if these sites are scraping your profiles its saving your time and giving you multiple exposure . They are not charging anything for that if so just deny . Overall you are being marketed by them You should laugh on this rather than crying on it !!
The point is you are getting clients from where it may be doesn't make any sense !
Just Invest on the sites that gives you more potential clients, this is the most clear and unbiased reply on this matter !!
playwithkate's Avatar
It is control of image, it is exposure when we have a private life. I don't put myself on just "any" site. It is not someone else's decision to make. I put a lot of time and effort into myself not for someone else to decide they want to make money from my image? No.
I've had the same issue with gfemonkey and many other sites, I prefer that my information and photos not be shared all across various sites and only on the sites that I want them to be on, but what can you do.
bizzly1001's Avatar
It is control of image, it is exposure when we have a private life. I don't put myself on just "any" site. It is not someone else's decision to make. I put a lot of time and effort into myself not for someone else to decide they want to make money from my image? No. Originally Posted by playwithkate
Agreed on all points. But these guys don't give a shit and nobody's out there policing this stuff. Your best defense is to watermark your images because it discourages sites from stealing your images. It's really embarrassing for a website to have pictures on their site that have someone's copyright and website on there because it shows the world how and where they stole them from. Furthermore, it's really a pain in the ass to clean up those images and most of the scraper sites are too lazy to take it to that level.
sexyfog's Avatar
It is control of image, it is exposure when we have a private life. I don't put myself on just "any" site. It is not someone else's decision to make. I put a lot of time and effort into myself not for someone else to decide they want to make money from my image? No. Originally Posted by playwithkate
I completely Agree with your Statement but be practical as Escorting is illegal if you promote physically you will definitely end up to prosecution . So What option Do you have Digital promotion through Ads in Sites like EROS, TER etc are they taking any responsibility of your safety answer is simply no they expose all your details like cake in plate for everyone to use whatever way they want and you are taking about your private life no point in that . So you cannot stop it . If you take this matter as DMCA issue its not as they are using your Identity not for someone else but for yourself. No body can make money by using your images unless untill you are not making money . !!
ShysterJon's Avatar
Stealing information from a website and posting it elsewhere is as old as the Internet. It shouldn't surprise anyone that information regarding providers is stolen and reposted.

This topic is frequently discussed in the legal forum, such as here:

'Info posted on Another Site W/O My Permission'
Caitie Mae's Avatar
Some legit sites worth posting on don't permit watermarks on photos. :-/