Thanksgiving Day

Just wanted to see what you people are going to be up to , lounging with beer , Cowboys , and Lions , or perhaps going to relatives . Do providers take appointments on turkey day ? I'm serving early lunch for homeless , then heading to sisters for the family get together . Whatever you do , have a good time .
MARTlAN's Avatar
Welcome back buddy, me I will be doing a lot of stuffing...
Somehow I had no doubts about that MM !
runswithscissors's Avatar
Hey man, good to see you back around...

Actually I am doing the same thing, volunteering,been single all my life, so I volunteer were I can, and then head back home, my phone and computer are going to be silenced, and I have a great big fat book I have been dying to read, so I am going to hibernate the rest of the day and night and read...
Whispers's Avatar
I volunteer were I can Originally Posted by runswithscissors

...... Could you babysit for us so we can get away from the kids for the evening? No matter WHAT the cops say they are REALLY not that bad.....
runswithscissors's Avatar
...... Could you babysit for us so we can get away from the kids for the evening? No matter WHAT the cops say they are REALLY not that bad..... Originally Posted by Whispers

Not a chance; I saw those photos in the post office the other day and they look remarkably similar....haha

Back in town, flew in, and I will see you at P10 on my training wheels off...
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks...that is awesome what you are doing!

I will be traveling that day...between tours

happy thanksgiving all!