$5 dances at XTC; Wednesday

3daygetaway's Avatar
I'm going about 8 o'clock and staying until about 11pm.

They do oil wrestling Wednesdays, but I've never been able to stay awake that long! It's $5 dances from 7-11pm, so not much at stake if you get a bad one. As such, I'm going to get a lapdance from every girl working!

I like to take a bottle of something for the girls, but I'm not a big drinker (well, I am, but I need to drive home after). I always wish I had someone to go with (boys or girls). PM if you want to meet up.
Good to know :-)
Bet u had a lot of takers for this one...
3daygetaway's Avatar
Only one so far, but I just posted it yesterday. Wanna go?
3daygetaway's Avatar
I had a great time without YOU. Maybe next time.
Why do they even have $5 dance days anyways... Most every girl complains about it and wont dance for it and if does will take nothing off. I don't blame them for the irritation for dancing for $5 but why do they even have this?

I like the two for one dance thing and the flash dance promotions they use to have... Back in the day, the flash dances were fun at Expose and Yellow and the 2 for 1 always a good thing... Well just was wondering why they even have the $5 days anymore when so many dancers don't follow it!!!

That being said... XTC use to be fun... how is it lately?
3daygetaway's Avatar
Here's why: it gets cheap-skates like me in the door! I dropped $200 last night, so the money still got into their purses, I just got more dances.

And yes, half the girls will keep their bottoms on during the dances, unless you pay $10/dance, or as I like to do: put $20 on the table and let them know that you will be getting 4 dances at the beginning (they will take off their bottoms then). Not that I exploit this, but if the dance is bad, I'll stop them and reclaim the cash from the un-used dances.

So, Wednesday night is B-team night, but there is a fun time to be had, if you bring the right attitude, just like anything in this hobby. I had a blast. I chatted with and danced with a bunch of sexy girls.

The service is always good, games on the TV, good DJ, and a nice layout. The have recently updated some lighting both indoors and out, making the place feel brighter and cleaner and safer. There are still some shady elements, but for the most part it delivers a good time.

It's still super easy to get extras here too; everything from handjobs to sucky to fucky, but if that's what you're after, our wonderful local providers will always give a better value and more relaxing experience.
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I'm going tomorrow; anyone want to join? I'll be there with mojitos.