Stupid Rumors and The Idiots That Start Them...

Soooo, I had a situation come to my attention this am and I feel its only right to address it and clear the air. I contacted a fellow provider in NE this am for a reference check and she mentioned she heard from a guy that I had a "close" call with LE this week.... WHICH WAS A COMPLETE AND UTTER LIE. Supposedly this super genius HEARD it was a tall blonde so he started telling people it was me.
And I have no idea which person said that or who else they've told, but I WANT TO MAKE COMPLETELY AND UNMISTAKABLY CLEAR.... I GO OUT OF MY WAY TO ENSURE NOT ONLY MY SAFETY BUT THE SAFETY OF MY CLIENTS AND FELLOW PROVIDERS 110% OF THE TIME WITH NO EXCEPTIONS!!!! So if you have heard that from anybody I want you to rest assured knowing, I was not approached or compromised by LE IN ANY WAY, although I did get a speeding ticket earlier this week, but highly doubt that counts LOL
And to the jackass who thinks its appropriate to spread lies without any sort of confirmation of the facts... you sir need to take a long walk of a short cliff bc you are part of the problem NOT THE SOLUTION.

Stay safe everybody and have a great weekend!!
I can attest to what Kay says. She is very careful and I trust her completely. And I am speaking from experience.
Bigh1955's Avatar
All good to know. Thanks Kay. You know what they say about people who "assume"...
These guys just like to find something to talk about my love, no worries, I can attest to your safety.
awwwww ty for all the support I do appreciate it!! Yes and everybody that knows me should know how careful I am.. I just didnt want anybody to assume it was true and worry that any sensitive info was compromised on my end Cant stop stupid people from talking tho, I hope hes reading this and feels like an ass LOL
I look at it like this:

Negative comments from men- are usually by those who are placed on my DNS list or those who never even passed my screening. Therefore, their opinions dont mean shit

Negative comments by women- 9 out of 10 times its some jealousy bimbo. Either because she jealous of ur looks, ur skills, ur attention, or just that her regular decided to go see you. Her opinion means nothing either. Obviously she cant make herself better so she spends time trying to bring u down to her level..

Look at it like free advertising. WHY, is so-n-so even butting their head in your business? Then they look at your showcase, read your reviews.. realize WHY this person is doing it... and BAM they want you!

Personally.. if u had a close call but were not arrested.. id figure you are one smart chick! Not many can have close calls and get away with it.

Just laugh at them and continue doing your thing girl !
I couldnt have said it better myself Luscious lacy you hit the nail on the head sexy
I couldnt have said it better myself Luscious lacy you hit the nail on the head sexy Originally Posted by Kay2Day


Just embrace the jealousy, do your thing, stay classy... and kill the haters with kindness. In the end.. THEY look like the fools and THEY lose their credibility.
But Kay, I thought you were a brunette? Whoops, guess I'm starting another story about you.
next thing u know ill be a red headed midget with 8 personalities huh farmstud LMAO
burkalini's Avatar
next thing u know ill be a red headed midget with 8 personalities huh farmstud LMAO Originally Posted by Kay2Day
Kay I didn't know you were that short and had all those personalities. Maybe I need to set eight sessions to meet them all. lol
tempt me with a goood time mr burkalini LOL I miss u old friend its been way too long Hopefullly our paths will cross again one day HINT HINT WINK WINK lol
Osolomio's Avatar
Way to stand up for yourself, kiddo. It would seem the doubter and jumper of gun has been corrected. Chastised, even. E, feel free to jump in anytime.