Poker News You Can Use

BigLouie's Avatar
If you want to get in on the poker tournament invite list send me a PM with your email address. As always "made men" such as Gator42, TexasGator, Yankee7, WTF, Satin, EasyE do not need a vouch. Guys with no post or with little to no history will need a vouch.

This started out as a legal home game as defined by the state of Texas. Grew into a private tournament, still within the letter of the law. Tournament will be some time soon. That's all for now.
DaChef's Avatar
Great i hope i can make it!
You know you can count me in. Hopefully at a location inside the loop...LOL
BigLouie's Avatar
To answer a few questions most people ask.

Do you have to play poker - No, about half the people that come, come just to socialize and hang out.

Can the ladies play - Sure and they are encouraged to. Before she retired SydneyB use to kick our ass and win the tournament.

It is a totally different kind of event. Just a laid back, easy going event.
Sounds like fun BL
starflash's Avatar
Good news BL.............
I personally think you should have a prize where the 1st to bust out gets a consolation prize of a BJ from one of the providers there. Just a suggestion
Sounds good Louie can wait I think I will be in town not doing much traveling this year
jimmycz's Avatar
Sounds like my kinda party!
BigLouie's Avatar
Right now looks like first or second week in October
that's very far away... just joshing
any consideration to my suggestion of the 1st to bust out prize or maybe prize to the bubble?
any consideration to my suggestion of the 1st to bust out prize or maybe prize to the bubble? Originally Posted by bashful1
seems kinda one sided. What if the first to go is a provider? What do you suggest we get? ;-)
kerwil62's Avatar
I think I want to check one out finally. Will be sending a PM soon BL.
haha Glynette, I was wondering if a provider would comment on that. Well, she best be bi then and we can watch... yes, still pretty much one sided.

So, do you plan to play? I haven't seen any providers play the last few times I was able to make it to the tourneys