Booty Percussion

I'd like to see this

done live. Thoughts?
Randall Creed's Avatar
Sorry. I was bored after about a minute.

There's no....umm, practicality to it. In what scenario is anyone going to gather 8-10 girls, have them bend over and allow a guy to beat on their asses to a beat? Practice time? Songs? Does firmness of booty matter?

I wonder if when the women looked at the video clip afterwards thought, "I can't believe I agreed to do that bullshit!"

But to each his own. If that's your thing, then drive on.
These guys just need to add booty pads to their system
Kelly TNT's Avatar
I love drummers! Woot Woot.

Now, as far as someone using my ass as a drum pad?

Umm.. yeah, no.

I'M SORRY! Did I mention that I love drummers? Woot Woot?!

~Kelly TNT