2 + 2 = 4 Your safty... STAY AWAY!!!!

Ok so I had spoken to this guy that is well known on eccie, about a meet and greet for midnight. I wasn't able to see him the other day and told him maybe another time, but he was so excited to see me (who wouldn't be... well anyways) so I started my screening. I screen this guy the wrong way, meaning I "SHOULD" have contacted the providers. But anyways after I look over his reviews and notice a great amount, I felt that he was okay to see, boy was I wrong.

Buy the time I made it to the "OC" I drove around to make sure I didn't see the LE. So after that I park my vehicle and text him that I was here; downstairs. He text me to come up, now every time I meet a gent I love to spray a sweet perfume called Perry Ellis. Out of all day's my perfume top didn't want to come off so I spent 5 mins or less trying to get it off. Finally I pop it off and it bounce off my lap and on to the floor I bend down to pick it up and spend another 5mins trying to find it without any light.

After my hands finds the perfume top, my mouth blurts out " Ah ha I got you" kind off something that you'll see of your kids cartoon show. After my victory I see a white car with the words police driving in front of the hotel ( yes it's a hotel sorry I didn't state that sooner... but anyways) survival mode kicks in I put my key's in the engine and slowly drive away with my lights off. When I make the turn to escape before I am caught I put my lights on and speed off like a bad out of hell. I'm watching my mirrors the entire time to make sure they haven't caught on that I had spot them before they could say "BOOK".

Well that's how my night went and because of that I will be more tough when it comes down to screening and I'll never mess up like I did today. But if you decide to see anyone double check at all times. From now on if you're not on 411 I'm not going and you're not coming.

OC Location: In garland off 635
Hotel name: Super 8
Handle name: PM me to get it
Phone number: PM me to get it
On 411: NO

* Due to this client being well known with "reviews" I will only share the handle name and phone number to the providers. All other information is given upon request... *
uniquemonique's Avatar
Wow....FYI..Garland is known and has always been known to be Hot as a Bitch. And for the ladies that don't this. I know this for a fact. This isn't something I heard about. I was told out of the police mouths. They have a special task force. That goes to each and every hotel or motel in the Garland city limits and they run every plate and check all registers at the from desk of the hotel. Twice a day Garland police do this. Trust me. Another HOT HOT spot is IRVING. Stay the hell out of these 2 cities. Be safe ladies.
Motels are always a "no, no" for me.

I only visit high end hotels and residences.
A motel is too small so there's plenty of room for error.

As long as you dress appropriately, a high end hotel is too big and most likey too busy, to notice you.

Glad you're safe Miss Summers!

Duke of G's Avatar
I screen this guy the wrong way, meaning I "SHOULD" have contacted the providers. Originally Posted by BonnieSummers
If you didn't screen correctly, and knew it...why did you go?

The cliff notes:
- you didn't screen
- you saw a cop car
- you left

The reputation of the hobbyist doesn't seem to be the issue. Seeing a police car does. We 100% respect your right to cancel an appointemnet if you don't feel safe.

But before you go throwing around "this hobbyist is working with LE!!!" you might want some proof. This is no different than if the hobbyist pulled up to your incall, saw a cop, and ran to the board to tell us you are working with the cops.

Oh, and next time, don't drive away with your lights off. That is a hell of a lot more suspicious than just driving away like any law-abiding citizen and is likely to get you more attention than less.

This isn't an alert. This is a facepalm.
Agree... Garland hotels (for meets) is a dicey option. I won't even do it. There was a provider advertising on BP a few weeks ago to meet at a specific hotel (which is a big red flag) on I-30 near the lake and since I was close I went out of curiousity to check it out from the gas station next door and saw behind the hotel a group of guys (normal looking) and a white trailer and truck parked. I get my gas and even before I finish I see two other guys coming out with another one in between them looking sheepish and the trailer door opens and inside they go inside. As I leave the gas station I see two unmarked cars parked at the end of the building. I wonder how many people they snagged? What is even stranger is the same ad was up again the next week in Plano also making specific reference to the hotel location for meeting and I wonder if the same scenario was being played out?. I think you're lucky the perfume bottle lid dropped. Take care and play safe (always best).
I agree with Duke to a point. Cops do cruise around the hotels alot and there's always the 50/50 rule that it's just a drive by rather than a purposeful event. However, these providers put it on the line (risk) by even allowing a stranger into a room with them so I give them the benefit of a doubt on any safety or issue (including potential LE action) that protects their interest. I tend to go with the gut + common sense so don't blame her for doing the same.
Duke of G's Avatar
Well, let's use the title: "2+2 = 4"

Yes. That's true.

Also, 1+3 = 4, 8/2 =4, and 2*2 = 4. All are correct. All have differences.

The idea that cop car in plain sight = sting is not always true.

Notice I also said that it's perfectly OK to leave. THAT wasn't my issue. The idea that Bonnie wants to connect her seeing a cop car to trash someone's handle is ridiculous.
Ahh.. Got it Duke. Agree (guy probably has no idea a car was cruising). I stay away from the hotels and even the Galleria area just because of the risk.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Im confused. How can police just go to a hotel/motel and run the plates in the parking lot and/ get the guests information to check the resistry to run them without probable cause? Don't they have to have probable cause for that or am I confused? That seems like an issue of violating people's rights if they are doing that. I mean what's next, going into a restaruant and the police run your tags and ask for every customers ID while your having a meal? That is so messed up. I know my local police will go down to the local homeless shelter and pick up homeless people that they know have warrants for an easy arrest, because apparently they have a quota since he said, he just made his quota of arrests for the month. I heard one officer say that once while he was in front of me at the grocery store.
uniquemonique's Avatar
About 6 yrs. ago me and my child had taken a long road trip up North. I had been driving for almost 15 hrs. non stop. It was about 2 am. At the time we lived way on the other side of Arlington. I just couldn't drive anymore. I stopped off at a Motel 6 just off Interstate 30 and Broadway. WE check in and Both pass out. Early morning I was awaken to what appeared to be Several loud ass knocks. I am thinking surley it's not check out time and the maid is beating on my door. I jumped up so quick and ran to pep hole. What do I see 2 Garland pigs dressed in full uniform. I ask thru the door " who is it" . Garland police maam. Please open the door. I'm thinking to myself. WTF. I hadn't done anything wrong. Hell I was sleeping. I get a robe and open the door. Mind you It's about 7 am and I was still so tired from the drive. I opened the door and asked what was going on? The police asked to me my name, why I was there? who was with me? Where is my id? I'm still thinking to myself. WTF.. They asked to come in and I let them. Showed them my id and was still asking what this was all about. They told me that I had a warrant for an unpaid traffic ticket and that I was getting arrested right there. If it weren't for my small child being with me. Make no mistake about it. I would have been sitting in Garland jail on a traffic ticket , that wasn't even from their city, Much less Dallas county. I'm still thinking WTF. How is a person asleep , minding their own business sleeping. And still get harassed by those pigs. That's when I was told by the Garland Police dept. That they run through every hotel and check the register at the hotels in Garland and run every plate and name looking for warrants, and what ever else they can find. At this point They police gave me 10 minutes to get dressed gather my things and my child. And to leave their city ASAP. BEFORE they changed their minds. Can you believe that shit???I still can't believe it. But It happened too me...
pyramider's Avatar
Well, let's use the title: "2+2 = 4"

Yes. That's true.

Also, 1+3 = 4, 8/2 =4, and 2*2 = 4. All are correct. All have differences.

The idea that cop car in plain sight = sting is not always true.

Notice I also said that it's perfectly OK to leave. THAT wasn't my issue. The idea that Bonnie wants to connect her seeing a cop car to trash someone's handle is ridiculous. Originally Posted by Duke of G

You gotta to love math skills in the hobby ... I swear if Duke was a Duchess ...
Grace Preston's Avatar
Pyramider-- just close your eyes. He did get mentioned multiple times in the best BBBJ thread.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
About 6 yrs. ago me and my child had taken a long road trip up North. I had been driving for almost 15 hrs. non stop. It was about 2 am. At the time we lived way on the other side of Arlington. I just couldn't drive anymore. I stopped off at a Motel 6 just off Interstate 30 and Broadway. WE check in and Both pass out. Early morning I was awaken to what appeared to be Several loud ass knocks. I am thinking surley it's not check out time and the maid is beating on my door. I jumped up so quick and ran to pep hole. What do I see 2 Garland pigs dressed in full uniform. I ask thru the door " who is it" . Garland police maam. Please open the door. I'm thinking to myself. WTF. I hadn't done anything wrong. Hell I was sleeping. I get a robe and open the door. Mind you It's about 7 am and I was still so tired from the drive. I opened the door and asked what was going on? The police asked to me my name, why I was there? who was with me? Where is my id? I'm still thinking to myself. WTF.. They asked to come in and I let them. Showed them my id and was still asking what this was all about. They told me that I had a warrant for an unpaid traffic ticket and that I was getting arrested right there. If it weren't for my small child being with me. Make no mistake about it. I would have been sitting in Garland jail on a traffic ticket , that wasn't even from their city, Much less Dallas county. I'm still thinking WTF. How is a person asleep , minding their own business sleeping. And still get harassed by those pigs. That's when I was told by the Garland Police dept. That they run through every hotel and check the register at the hotels in Garland and run every plate and name looking for warrants, and what ever else they can find. At this point They police gave me 10 minutes to get dressed gather my things and my child. And to leave their city ASAP. BEFORE they changed their minds. Can you believe that shit???I still can't believe it. But It happened too me... Originally Posted by uniquemonique

OH yea they will run plates and if you have a warrant they will come knock on your door. I have never had a warrant before but i had a friend whos car is registered in her BF's name and he had a warrant and they came knocking on the apt door asking to search the apt for him one day but he was not there. . .

Thats also why u need to be weary of other providers history, cause alot of them have rap sheets up the ass. You could be hanging out one day or on tour and get pulled over or something and find out you are with a armed bank robber lol.
uniquemonique's Avatar
I agree. Not for nothing but you can't assume that the OP is working with Le. My advise to the provider...You need more experience and stop being so paranoid. This may be a case of I'm mad at you , so I'm going to ruin your rep....IDK
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I agree. Not for nothing but you can't assume that the OP is working with Le. My advise to the provider...You need more experience and stop being so paranoid. This may be a case of I'm mad at you , so I'm going to ruin your rep....IDK Originally Posted by uniquemonique
Yea i totally aggree with monique i would not have assumed the police were there for you ... lol ... u could have atleast waited to see what they were going to do... they cant arrest u JUST for being there if u arent breaking the Law....