Attention All Colorado Members

So it was brought to my attention yesterday from a certain Admin on a different posting board that I was Banned .It all started because my ad kept getting deleted for no apparent reason , so I wrote the Admin of that board and he kept giving me the run around and blocking my account so I could'nt upload my pics.We got into a big argument so he then told me that me and five other providers from the DFW that our listings were pulled because they felt that was best for their board.I'm sure there is more to the story but if any member in Colorado wants to see me I'm asking Gentlemen to make an account on here so me and all of my friends will never experience these difficulties in the future.

Welcome to the community of Eccie,thanks.
Lexi Maserati
Lacy jade's Avatar
That’s crazy girl I was having some similar problems I don’t know why they would do that to such a nice girl and great provider I love coming to Denver and hope this doesn’t change anything in the Future hope all is well XOXO Lacy
I’m sorry this happened to you & it’s crazy because I’ve had similar problems in the past on that same board and never knew why , that’s the whole reason I quit visiting Denver
Shep3.0's Avatar
Maybe they will enjoy sausagefest in Denver. 😀
gonk's Avatar
  • gonk
  • 08-09-2018, 01:15 PM
TOB is a fucking sham. They don't like when out-of-town girls get popular and take business from the played out, CBJ-obsessed, old, boring local ladies.

Please don't take this as a sign that you're not welcome here! <3

There are plenty of real hobbyists in this town who appreciate proper service and performance.
I'm considering a trip next Thursday thru Tuesday....but in Colorado springs though...any suggestions where to post?
So sorry that happened to you but honestly you probably dodged a bullet that website is trash and nothing but a high school Clique and a bunch of bullies especially one of the admins he's a complete loser who likes harassing providers.... sad and pathetic but honestly like I said you don't need them I do fine without them and most of those guys are all on the other boards too... so if they want to see you they will find you! Good luck and enjoy Colorado there are some great guys & gals out here we're not all sour grapes😄
So it was brought to my attention yesterday from a certain Admin on a different posting board that I was Banned .It all started because my ad kept getting deleted for no apparent reason , so I wrote the Admin of that board and he kept giving me the run around and blocking my account so I could'nt upload my pics.We got into a big argument so he then told me that me and five other providers from the DFW that our listings were pulled because they felt that was best for their board.I'm sure there is more to the story but if any member in Colorado wants to see me I'm asking Gentlemen to make an account on here so me and all of my friends will never experience these difficulties in the future.

Welcome to the community of Eccie,thanks.
Lexi Maserati
Originally Posted by Lexi Maserati
Maybe they will enjoy sausagefest in Denver. 😀 Originally Posted by Shep3.0
Not all guys enjoy it but it's a big deal on that other board LOL they LOVE their sausage parties
TOB is a fucking sham. They don't like when out-of-town girls get popular and take business from the played out, CBJ-obsessed, old, boring local ladies.

Please don't take this as a sign that you're not welcome here! <3

There are plenty of real hobbyists in this town who appreciate proper service and performance. Originally Posted by gonk
It's not just out of town girls it's any girl if you get too popular and you don't follow their strict rules and be their little puppet talk like a robot & take their b.s. and disrespect then you got to go LOL they will shut you up in fact the owner of the site used to beg anyone who posted bad about it on other sites to take it down but after several failed attempt and more people speaking out against it I guess she gave up... Some of the mods also have been known to get free service from some of the girls who post regularly on there so if one of the girls dating the mods doesn't like you, you're out of there !😎
I'm considering a trip next Thursday thru Tuesday....but in Colorado springs though...any suggestions where to post? Originally Posted by Analeese
Here &

Good luck I hope you have a great trip
It sucks you got banned from that board, Lexi. It's Denver's loss, you are one of the most amazing girls I've ever had the privilege of spending time with. I hope our paths cross again sometime in the future!
Brandofan's Avatar
I'm considering a trip next Thursday thru Tuesday....but in Colorado springs though...any suggestions where to post? Originally Posted by Analeese
Ana I am hoping you'll fall in love with Colorado and decide to move here!

I certainly hope my fellow Denver ECCIE denizens will give you a warm welcome while you're here!
So it was brought to my attention yesterday from a certain Admin on a different posting board that I was Banned .It all started because my ad kept getting deleted for no apparent reason , so I wrote the Admin of that board and he kept giving me the run around and blocking my account so I could'nt upload my pics.We got into a big argument so he then told me that me and five other providers from the DFW that our listings were pulled because they felt that was best for their board.I'm sure there is more to the story but if any member in Colorado wants to see me I'm asking Gentlemen to make an account on here so me and all of my friends will never experience these difficulties in the future.

Welcome to the community of Eccie,thanks.
Lexi Maserati
Originally Posted by Lexi Maserati
I'm still on TOB, but it's full of backpage girls now.

I'll see you hon
I'm considering a trip next Thursday thru Tuesday....but in Colorado springs though...any suggestions where to post? Originally Posted by Analeese
Here. TOB. Eros.
Alexis ford's Avatar
So I amazingly tried to access my TOB account today for me and Lexi Maserati to take a trip to Denver next week and I bet you would'nt believe what happened......