The GREAT Pipe-Bomber Saga

... G'day You-inzers,

.... Prepare yer-selves for a good in-depth discussion
of the "J6" Pipe-Bomber incident - where Kamala Harris
- the Vice President-elect could've been killed.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Those on the left can't handle the truth Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Did you happen to see this Salty?

By Michael Shellenberger

BOMBGATE: This Video Proves FBI Is Covering Up The Truth About The January 6 “Bomb”

We must be blunt: the FBI is a dangerous, politicized, and rogue agency that must be brought to heel

eyecu2's Avatar
This is as important as a cloudy day.

The only ppl talking about pipe bombs are on this board-

Saying it's a inside plant- job. FBI and others are rolling their eyes. But well keep waiting for the details - Per someone's sign line.
This is as important as a cloudy day.

The only ppl talking about pipe bombs are on this board-

Saying it's a inside plant- job. FBI and others are rolling their eyes. But well keep waiting for the details - Per someone's sign line. Originally Posted by eyecu2
... The FBI and the others are afraid that the TRUTH
is coming out... As the investigations continue.

... No need for you to piss-on the thread topic, mate.
If you're not happy - then don't post... But please keep reading!

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... The FBI and the others are afraid that the TRUTH
is coming out... As the investigations continue.

... No need for you to piss-on the thread topic, mate.
If you're not happy - then don't post... But please keep reading!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yeah - leftists don't want the truth to come out. They have been burying it for too long because it exposes their actions
... Hmmmm... So the VP-elect Kamala Harris was almost killed
by a pipe-bomb on 6th January... And oddly, the great and
all-knowing FBI/DOJ just can't seem to locate the person
who left the pipe bomb there. ... And doesn't seem to care.

Why is that?

### Salty
Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Straight from a liberals mouth... propaganda
... Too Right, Red! ... Thanks for posting those.

It's almost as-if the Biden Administration and the FBI
surely DO NOT want any Truth to come out.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Is it the case that the J6 ‘pipe bomber’ was a government contractor with a background in Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), an E9 in the Air Force? Their mobile device accessed DOJ/FBI 1,167 times over an approximate 2 year period and also the DC Navy Yard over 200 times during the same period.

The actual ‘pipe bombs’ were used to train bomb sniffing dogs. This is important because their ‘cover story’ if they were to get caught in the act, would have been that they were hired to test security protocols.

berryberry's Avatar
Have you seen this Salty?

The Plot Thickens: Damning New Details Emerge in Jan 6 Pipe Bomb Cover Up

Before learning of the information in this piece, we would have said the chance of January 6 pipe bombs being a hoax and cover up were 99 percent—leaving a 1 percent chance that some bizarre, exotic, but plausible and innocent explanation could be given for the anomalies we’ve covered. Now we are in a position to rule out that remaining 1 percent of doubt.

The January 6 pipe bombs are 100% a hoax, and 100% a cover-up.

What’s more—we know who is covering it up. Stay tuned, when this fully blows up it will be the biggest story in the country, and biggest scandal in recent American history.

Read all the details
... Too Right, Berry!

... Thanks for posting that!

#### Salty
snoopy75's Avatar
This story is NOT going to go away, no matter how much they want it to…
... Too Right, mate... The FBI/DOJ surely KNOWS that
the TRUTH is coming out... This sad exercise was the
"Plan B" if the protest at the Capitol was too soft.

"Someone Tryed to BLOW UP our VP-elect Kamala Harris!"
"No Doubt a Trump Supporter!" ... "Was Trump Behind This?!"

... Those surely would've been their cries! ... Problem was
they prolly didn't trust all the players - and Trump was
still President and might have called for a FULL Investigation.

... So they dropped this "Plan B"...

... Crikey! ... Once this all comes out, what will happen
to the already-tarnished reputation of the FBI??

The ("Trump colluded with Russia" and "Whitmer Kidnapping plot") FBI??

### Salty