Amazing illusions

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The person who forwarded this to me said the soundtrack was in Japanese. I get the impression it's Chinese, myself. The Sinophones here can tell me which, if they so desire.

Even if you can't understand what's being said, the illusions are still amazing (unless it's trick camera work; anyone more familiar with that feel free to pipe up, too), and you can appreciate them without knowing what's being said. Kinda long (almost 7 minutes), but stick it out to the end; it's worth it.


That was pretty cool--yeah, it's chinese.
Very impressive. He also stole their wallets, jewery, and pawned them while still doing coin illusions with his left hand.
  • jaxar
  • 04-05-2010, 07:11 PM
i watched a couple of other clips of this guy on youtube. some mind blowing s**t. he does a amazing trick with a ring and a egg. check it out, wow!!