Claire She Blows

  • JROD
  • 06-26-2020, 06:18 AM
Anybody ever hear from her? I keep hoping she will pop back up. I saw her one time, a few years ago, had a great evening with her.
I hope she is doing well.
beelzebubba's Avatar
winn dixie's Avatar
She pops in from time to time in disguise.
  • JROD
  • 06-26-2020, 05:05 PM
I would luv to know who and when! She is one of the ones I just can’t get off my mind.
Like I said, we had a great evening together.
Thanks for the reply W/D.
Hollis Wood's Avatar
Claire She Blows is an anagram for Bat Shit Crazy.


Wasn’t she the one who had a trick baby after a vigorous stripper slide gone wrong?
I hope she's found the love of her life, a healthier career choice and has left the hobby far behind.

Everyone deserves a shot at happiness before it's too late.
Great lady lots of fun and uniquely talented.