
Guitar's Avatar
I read where some of you guys mention u don't like covered BJ's AT ALL. Some of you, like me, don't really care for ANYTHING UNCOVERED, I'm sure for the fear of catching something, even if it's thru spit. I'm wondering if there are those on here that will be honest and tell us if they HAVE ever gotten something while hobbying and if they had to take meds to get rid of it. I read on the La. boards the other day where a guy says he DATY while the lady had a yeast infection and had to take antibiotics to get over that. I've never heard of such. Not even sure he could blame his nasal problems on a lady. I would figure they have a medicine out there today, for pretty much anything except maybe AIDS. But I may be wrong. Hope I'm not violating any rules by bringing this up. That is NOT my intention.
I would be curious to this as well. I have never caught any disease for hobbying except maybe a cold, lol. No STDs for sure.

I would like to know how many have contracted an STD? My first thought is no one will respond. Honesty is not very big nor is openness in this community. Very few admit to bareback much less contracting something. This is a community of denial and no one cares mention the elephant in the room!! We all know BB goes on but we dare not tell. We all know sex without a condom is so much better but again we dare not admit it. We all know she was okay but we dare not tell her she was just fine and she was not kaboom fantastic.

I hope some come forward and enlighten us on truth as we all know STDs have to have been spread at least once in this community, somewhere.
Ok I have NEVER caught an STD as I play safe, but I do like a BBBJ as much as the rest. However, I get tested once a year to make sure. Hattiesburg has a complete screen available at planned parenthood for around $100 (hep a and b, HIV, G&C, Tric, etc.). Their website states that you can get birth control there. They have a doctor on staff so if you did contract something they could call it in to your drug store the same as any other doctor could if they didn't have them onsight.

Guys, I'd bet the bank that no one will say they ever got an STD.

And Guitar, I'm sure you're asking for a friend right?

As far as the discussion of an STD, they way I understand it, you can ask general questions like you are here, or even comment on your own and be within the ECCIE guidelines. But that's why Road Lizard gets the big bucks LOL.
As long as everyone talks about their own dieases/medical conditions/meds, no big deal, it's just that speculating on someone else is off limits.

And nope, thankfully I haven't caught anything other than Empty Wallet Syndrome.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
I am SURE that I have caught common cold from hobby activity. I love DFK. Worth it in every case.

Never acquired an STD, hobby or otherwise. Many years ago I got tested when a condom failed (yes, sooner or later that will happen if you are in the hobby for long), but result was negative. If a condom breaks, get tested.

I don't think the risk is high enough to exclude BBBJ, but if a provider I want to see requires CBJ, its ok.
spike52's Avatar
Ok I have NEVER caught an STD as I play safe, but I do like a BBBJ as much as the rest. However, I get tested once a year to make sure. Hattiesburg has a complete screen available at planned parenthood for around $100 (hep a and b, HIV, G&C, Tric, etc.). Their website states that you can get birth control there. They have a doctor on staff so if you did contract something they could call it in to your drug store the same as any other doctor could if they didn't have them onsight.

Guys, I'd bet the bank that no one will say they ever got an STD.

And Guitar, I'm sure you're asking for a friend right?

As far as the discussion of an STD, they way I understand it, you can ask general questions like you are here, or even comment on your own and be within the ECCIE guidelines. But that's why Road Lizard gets the big bucks LOL. Originally Posted by Mr Lickher Right
I'll be the first to fess up. By the way how rich is the bank? LOL In 1971 in Vietnam where I met my first providers I caught gonorrhea.The price was 2 to 5 dollars. LOL Not much to it back then, just a visit to the medic and a hand full of pills. Where can I collect? LOL
Spike, the bank is sadly empty at the moment.

But these days, you just can't play unsafe.
I do get tested every so often because I am paranoid but have never had anything. A friend that is a very active swinger told Me that in 30 years of activity he had not nor did he know anyone that had.