The Long Weekend Vacation

Back in early 1979 (fore many of you had parents who had met) Penthouse (back when people used to actually pay to look at pr0n. And pictures, at that) had a contest. First prize was "A Long Weekend Vacation". Winner got a vacation for him and his lady that started at 0001 Thursday morning and ended at 2359 Monday night, your local time.

Mine "dream" was LAX to DFW, pick up my girlfriend, then the Concorde to Paris. It's now early evening in Paris. Concorde back Monday evening.

What would you do? (given that the Concorde is now requit im pax, that option is out).

I can't remember what the wiener, erh winner, did, but it wasn't that good. I did win a one year subscription to Penthouse and Oui.