Did anyone miss me (put your hand down Cheaper)?

john_galt's Avatar
I drop in down here every now and then to see what is going on. Some of you people are pretty funny. Me? Ended up in hospital, finished my degree (M.A.) finally, and now live in Omaha. Pretty good action up here but I miss a couple of the ladies. Probably won't check in much here anymore.
sorry to hear that I do wish that we could of got to know each other better you seem to be someone who speaks there mind and someone who knows where they are going in life.congrats about finishing your degree.so sorry to hear about being in the hospital and things not going so well in that end.But anywho dont forget that around here on eccie we are like ihop open 24/7 and we always welcome everyone.......hell dont forget COG is here (sorry COG just going with the flow of your to blame)
and now live in Omaha. Originally Posted by john_galt

There goes the neighborhood.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hey, the famous john galt. So much for CDN and C2B.
Someone should run the IP addresses for comparison / historical login comparison . . . ijs.
john_galt's Avatar
I'm not sure what exactly an IP shows. I've changed computers three or fours times since I first posted and went through a couple of wireless routers. I hope it can't tell you my physical location because I went through that last year. I couple of the denizens on this very site sent out a broadbased email using the KU addresses and threatened to out me. They sent out several to many addresses and I guess they were waiting for a fearful response.

I contacted Jackie quite awhile back, actually I talked to an assistant (or so I was told), and was told my political views meant that she would not meet with me. There I was at Wayside Waifs looking to adopt and being told that I was too intense. Dont' worry Jackie I won't be contacting you now or in the future. I will try to stay on my side of the river (yes, I am next door in Iowa).
wouldnt see you because of political views?
There goes the neighborhood. Originally Posted by MsElena
....................yea..almos t like having a hooker live next door..
I'm not sure what exactly an IP shows. I've changed computers three or fours times since I first posted and went through a couple of wireless routers. I hope it can't tell you my physical location because I went through that last year. I couple of the denizens on this very site sent out a broadbased email using the KU addresses and threatened to out me. They sent out several to many addresses and I guess they were waiting for a fearful response.

I contacted Jackie quite awhile back, actually I talked to an assistant (or so I was told), and was told my political views meant that she would not meet with me. There I was at Wayside Waifs looking to adopt and being told that I was too intense. Dont' worry Jackie I won't be contacting you now or in the future. I will try to stay on my side of the river (yes, I am next door in Iowa). Originally Posted by john_galt
I really do apologize if my scheduling assistant told you that I would not see you based on your having a specific political viewpoint - that actually sounds quite bizarre a reason for declining an appointment and I will speak to her regarding the comment (if that is what she in fact did say or if she even remembers the conversation) . . .

Your political views had nothing to do with my placing you on my "do not see" list - your handle appearing on a national "blacklist" that is available to verified providers, along with very disturbing information about you personally which was corroborated by several people, was the reason for my declining your inquiry / request, and I left instructions that you be declined politely and thanked for the compliment of wanting to see me professionally, the same as I do with anyone that cannot pass my vetting process.

And, yes, I do occasionally employ a female scheduling assistant / screener who is based in Texas. A lot of ladies use an assistant, especially ladies such as myself that travel (tour) extensively, it makes vetting a potential client easier and quicker as a lot of my time is consumed actually traveling and it is difficult to check references while driving . . .

However, I really must take this opportunity to say that I do so very much appreciate that you won't be contacting me in the future for an appointment. Thank you (most sincerely)!

As for my post in this thread, I was making a light-hearted comment based on the continued whirling suspicion(s) that you have multiple handles on this board (I'm sorry you missed the sarcasm).

Good luck in Iowa.

- Jackie

BTW - I just checked my encrypted system where I keep my DNS info - you contacted me back in March, 2011 . . . yet, you're still bitching about not being able to see me, seven months later . . . Damn, I'm flattered. Or, I may need a restraining order. Get over it already.
dirty dog's Avatar
John I think her not seeing you had more to do with how you pimped a member of this board and your use of physical violence, not your political views. The interesting thing is your belief that someone might give a care that you have been gone.
John Galt who is that? Obviously alot went down in my 7 months absence that I know nothing about. Nah we wont miss him, now if Jackie or COG went MIA than we would worry and care about them.
It was hard enough getting thru Allie's screening.
Political views ,I really do not have many ,Can see both sides on most sides. Just waiting for the Replublicians to give my money to the wealthy and the Demos. everyone else. Econ. not political science has been the rule rather than the exception.
You guys will let anyone post any pain pill dribble that inters into someones thought process. I have read the above post over and over and can not find no useful info in it. The post makes the poster {big country} appear to be stupid without a clue as to what is going on.
john_galt's Avatar
Okay Dirty Dog I'm calling you out for the peckerwood that you are. What pimping are you talking about and what violence. Be very specific so everyone can see what a liar you've always been. Don't worry I won't put it out there what you said. That will remain between us and your toady.
dirty dog's Avatar
John I am not going to out the provider, you used to date/pimp her. Why do you care anyway you just said you would not be here much. So why dont you STFU and disappear again. This whole excersise was for you to see if you had been gone long enough that it would be cool to come back, well its not so stay in Iowa and go away. Besides John, my history on this board more than shows that I am a person who knows, things behind the scenes and I speak my mind and more importantly the truth.