Screening and my Review

This makes me ill.

Let's get the facts straight - this gentlemen called me at about 3pm and wanted an appt at "4, or 5 or later tonight at 9"

I said I was available right now and that 4pm should work (provided that he passed my screening requirements of course.)

I asked for p411 or references to screen him. He said he had p411 and gave me his p411 ID # in a text. I said I needed him to send me the request THROUGH p411, because anyone can use anyone's ID stuff if they wanted, and it's just a procedural thing. Any of my past clients can vouch that I screen as quickly as possible, but I do it thoroughly.

I wait....and wait. No email and no messages on p411. He calls back while I'm in the shower and sends a text that he's waiting around the corner. WTF? I hadn't given him my address but I guess he knew I lived by galleria area, so he just took it upon himself to head over this way before I confirmed or gave him my address.

I told him I hadn't recieved his request and I take screening very seriously becuase it's my safety on the line. Again, his reply is to give me his ID number through text and I tell him again politely that I cannot just take his word for it, that I need the request to my email.

I don't hear back from him for a while, so I take other appts. I've had my share of time-wasters and flakes so I didn't think much of it until I signed on here and saw that he took it upon himself to post that review. First off it wasn't like I NCNS'd him, he just didn't pass my screening requirments so I get blasted for my screening requirments?? Bullsh*t and I won't let someone try and tarnish my reputation for it. Safety will ALWAYS be my number one priority, you can count on that.

Please always be safe ladies! Don't let guys rush you into an appt before you've properly screened them. More often than not, it's a great guy, but the one time things go wrong, you'll wish you had taken the extra 5 minutes to ensure your safety. People could be impersonating someone else by using a friend's p411 info, claiming an eccie handle that is not their own, or using fake references. Take the time to check it out!

I read the review in question. It does seem to be filled out in a huff, and not being able to complete an appointment made 1hr prior with someone new and then getting childish about it seems to be points in your favor.

However... you posting so closely behind him with your rebuttal, while not making his half-attempt at a review seem any more or less real, it does, in my opinion, reflect somewhat poorly on your Jamie. Not trying to pick on you here, but sometimes you are going to get bad reviews for the wrong reason. Responding in this manner doesn't really offset the issue at all. Reviews are gonna stand or fall on their own merit no matter what. Next time maybe wait a day or too and see IF you need to respond. And in this case I think you didn't.
You're probably very right Krunkman. I sometimes forget that others will come to the same conclusion as I do.

I admit me being so defensive probably does refelect poorly on my character. I let my emotions get the best of me because I couldn't believe he had the audacity to post something like that.

Oh well, I wrote it and it's posted now and can't be deleted. It's how I felt about the whole situation though. Raw emotions right there haha

Thanks for your input
Sounds to me like you did what you felt was safe. I can't see how anyone can blame you for that.
I doubt if the guys review will affect you much. Sounded like a rant to me anyway.
NEVER EVER Go to Providers Incall UNTIL there is a Meeting of the Minds and Confirmation is Recieved and She APPROVES YOU.

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Both sides have had their say. It is time to close this thread as well as the review before it gets out of hand.
