Hi Guys, I had some questions that I was hoping you guys could help me with. I know that I am a new member here but I have been on the site for a while. I was an ASPD guy back in the day. I have been out of the hobby for quite a few years.

Lately I have been looking to get back into it, I started out on CL and BP, set up some dates but never followed thru. My "spider sense" told me to leave each time I arrived at the meeting, maybe a couple people sitting in a car starring at me or a guy looking out another room window, again maybe I was being paranoid?

After studying reviews on this site for a while I registered. I registered on TOS as well. I decided that a reputable provider with reviews would provide me the reassurance to keep the appointment. I set up a meeting yesterday at a motel with a well reviewed provider. She was very nice and I felt comfortable. She checked in a couple times to see if I was still coming, she told me to let her know when I got close. I did not give notice that I was close, instead I pulled past the motel lot circled around the back of the motel. There I saw a marked local cop sitting behind some bushes watching the motel lot. I of course kept driving and told the provider that I had a change of heart and that I was very sorry.....

This is where my questions come in. First off I wanted to warn the provider of why I had left but I was afraid that if she was cooperating with LE then I could get in some kind of trouble??? paranoia??? Should I have warned her?

As I thought about what had happened I remembered the time I spent with Dawn, (amazon of Pittsburgh) a few years ago in her condo, Maybe I should be looking for a provider with a residence rather than a motel? Or maybe I should take this for a sign from above to give up on this hobby?

Maybe you guys could give me some advice or recommendations on who to try and see west of the city. Thanks.....
Texas_361's Avatar
Who was the provider? PM me
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 08-22-2013, 03:45 PM

Are you sure you want to hobby? Is this hobby worth the risks to you - or is it simply something that you can do to kill the time?

Because golf is a less risky, less expensive hobby. As is yoga, rock climbing, scrapbooking, flying airplanes and a host of other options. You don't sound paranoid - as much as possibly reluctant, IMO. So, examine that carefully before proceeding.

If you decide to proceed, then there will be plenty of options provided in terms of reputable options on any side of the city.
loneshark's Avatar
I think if you call a girl and make an appointment to be safe don't talk about sex or what she does just bring the about listed in the ad you should go and meet her you don't have to do anything but you took up her time if you don't feel safe once you talk to her in person just tell her but leave the money she will be grateful she has one less client to fuck that day
burghman1969's Avatar
I think you should have at least told her that the reason you didn't want to go through with it was because you saw a cop in the lot. You mentioned she was a well reviewed, reputable provider. Unfortunately, you may have a tougher time getting an appointment with her, or other reputable ladies if she was on Indys.
thank you guys for your opinions.

Cabot you are partially correct, there is some doubt that it is worth the risk but I am not doing this out of boredom. I am sure most guys in this hobby do it because something is missing at home. Im sure most of us don't want to loose what we have at home but we have needs or urges that lead us here.

Maybe I am overly cautious or more likely paranoid.

All advice well taken, Thank You.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Never discuss a sex act and never discuss money and never ever discuss both in the same conversation with a provider.
The question is, would you rather be disappointed that you did not get exactly what you wanted in the session OR go to jail.
You are doing a great disservice to the providers by cancelling at the last minute or just not showing up. They have expended their time and money on their side of the business and you leave them holding the bag.
Pistolero's Avatar
I think you should have at least told her that the reason you didn't want to go through with it was because you saw a cop in the lot. . Originally Posted by burghman1969
Backing off with this explanation should not be a problem. The reason you gave her will cause you some problems
Backing off with this explanation should not be a problem. The reason you gave her will cause you some problems Originally Posted by Pistolero

I sent her a pm and explained and apologized. she seemed ok with it so that's about all I can do at this point.. Live and learn right?