Been Busy But Cuming Soon

sakari.verlee's Avatar
This week has been way to busy for me to make a trip to S'port but I will make it up to ya'll soon. Again thank you to all those that made my time in S'port an unforgettable one. Thank you for the review, brightened my day.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Muffy always likes to brighten a lady's day. He lives to please. Hell, does that make HIM a provider???

Looking forward to your visit!

MuffinMan's Avatar
I don't know about my being a "provider". But, I'll be the first to tell you that even though they said they enjoyed it, not one has ever returned the donation! I WILL post when that happens!

Lonesome's Avatar
I don't know about my being a "provider". But, I'll be the first to tell you that even though they said they enjoyed it, not one has ever returned the donation! I WILL post when that happens!

MM Originally Posted by MuffinMan
I actually had that happen once in 1998 on the 2nd visit in the same week . But, that's the only time over a period of many years.