Providers - what makes you have a real orgasm in a session?

Hi! A question for the ladies...
What is it that makes you have a real orgasm in a session? What sets a session apart from the average, and gets your blood boiling to the point of a deep, real climax?
Is it something physical you find in the visitor? Maybe the timing of where you are in your cycle? Maybe it's more likely in the morning, or your first appt of the day....or maybe you like a certain cock type, shape, size dick. Or a position that gets you. Or getting oral. Or oral in a certain position.
You get the idea. There can be so many factors for a woman, and I am always the study. . So help us hobbyists who may visit you....what is it that gets you off during a session?
The thought of lots of your $$ in their wallet
I was wondering who the first one to make that joke was going to be. Thanks for the, any ladies wish to chime in?
I would find it hard to believe that providers orgasm in sessions regularly if at all outside of stroking our male egos by pretending they did. Men can get off by looking at the snow fall for long enough (and we just assume women are the same way), it takes a bit more for a majority of women.
I would find it hard to believe that providers orgasm in sessions regularly if at all outside of stroking our male egos by pretending they did. Men can get off by looking at the snow fall for long enough (and we just assume women are the same way), it takes a bit more for a majority of women. Originally Posted by EGrayupstate
I agree in that a lot of men assume women get off easy. And some do, but the majority of women don't get off as easily as a man. Let's face it, they are a lot more complicated… Biologically speaking, and emotionally speaking. And that is "real life "… Now throw in the provider/hobbyist dynamic to complicate things further, and there you have the reason for me starting this thread. Hopefully, some providers can give us some insights as to what has gotten them of during a session in the past. Because while I am sure that a provider orgasm is not as common as we would like it to be, I'm sure it happens on occasion. We are all human.
pyramider's Avatar
The truth is women do not orgasm. The moaning and groaning is part of the act to make the fucktard thinck he did something good.
Jjsunday's Avatar
I agree in that a lot of men assume women get off easy. And some do, but the majority of women don't get off as easily as a man. Let's face it, they are a lot more complicated… Biologically speaking, and emotionally speaking. And that is "real life "… Now throw in the provider/hobbyist dynamic to complicate things further, and there you have the reason for me starting this thread. Hopefully, some providers can give us some insights as to what has gotten them of during a session in the past. Because while I am sure that a provider orgasm is not as common as we would like it to be, I'm sure it happens on occasion. We are all human. Originally Posted by Snood273

I think you are looking for a Ans and it may not be as easy as oral or what the guy did.

Women are mostly Mental : the reason I say this is No matter if their a provider or a girl on a date they have to Trust you and be at comfortable with you. there's a saying

you have to make love to there minds before you can make love to them.

most woman love a man to talk and really get to know them and the more you get to know them the more comfortable they are with you. You know open up some to them about yourself and listen when their talking.The more comfortable they are the more relaxed she will be and the more she maybe get into it and the more she can have a O.

I know must all the woman I have been with always have O's but with a provider they really have to trust you to have a O and that may or may not happen .

you got to think they have seen some nice guys and some real assholes. For them it not always smart to let their guard down and just relax and get into it like we do.So I am sure it's not as easy for a provider to have a real O with one of us.

I know I have gave a few providers a real O but I really think it's only been a few times and they were to ones I have seen alot. I could tell by the way their body acted and the way they looked. Most have been faking just to blow up my ego lol.

I don't know if this help's but good luck with it Man
VanessaDDD's Avatar
Personally I am very hard to make orgasm. It has absolutely nothing fo do with the money, it's more about feeling comfortable with the Person and being able to really enjoy myself. Sometimes I get self conscious that it takes me awhile so I'm able to "o".

But it all depends on the guy and myself. I'm all about clitoral stimulation. Sometimes I'll even help out or get my vibe. I usually can only "o" from DATY
Personally I am very hard to make orgasm. It has absolutely nothing fo do with the money, it's more about feeling comfortable with the Person and being able to really enjoy myself. Sometimes I get self conscious that it takes me awhile so I'm able to "o".

But it all depends on the guy and myself. I'm all about clitoral stimulation. Sometimes I'll even help out or get my vibe. I usually can only "o" from DATY Originally Posted by VanessaDDD
Thanks. Good to know. If we are able to spend time together, I know where to focus my attention. .
Any others?
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Good oral or various k9 positions (take your pick get me there multiple times over especially when they listen to my verbal instructions.
That's a fun website!!

Good oral or various k9 positions (take your pick get me there multiple times over especially when they listen to my verbal instructions. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
Prison guard and super woman... My favs!!
Personally I am very hard to make orgasm. It has absolutely nothing fo do with the money, it's more about feeling comfortable with the Person and being able to really enjoy myself. Sometimes I get self conscious that it takes me awhile so I'm able to "o".

But it all depends on the guy and myself. I'm all about clitoral stimulation. Sometimes I'll even help out or get my vibe. I usually can only "o" from DATY Originally Posted by VanessaDDD
I'm the same, it's hard for me at times and it's very seldomly able to happen with sex alone. Gentle clitoral stimulation is key. A lot of guys think you gotta dive right in like it's dinner time lol but I'm a slow, steady and gentle kinda girl until I'm grabbing your hair (or head if ur bald lol) to indicate it's time to go faster. I will say in my case though, if you really wanna make me cum, make sure you're already satisfied because my orgasms are draining and I usually need a nap after hahaha
TreeBark's Avatar
Really? This question has to be asked? Perhaps you need to listen to the song, Private Dancer by Tina Turner.
"Keep your mind on the money keeping your eyes on the wall."

It's about the money and what she needs to do to get that money!!
Some of these gals could win a grammy for their acting!!
I appreciate the responses, ladies! And I think I speak for the majority when I say that we love reading about what might get you over the hump during a session. This thread is all about the "o".
and yes, this question needed to be asked. Woman can orgasm during a session....we are all human, and the rules of biology therefore apply. Plus, while my wallet isn't always huge, my dick IS. Boom.