Does small matter to oroviders

I'm not the most endowed guy kinda on small size been with a couple providers does it matter to them l know all the guys with big ones thing that's what the girls like just a question looking for feed back
Absolutely not !!! I have had my world rocked by small and average sizes . And have been bored and even scared of big n HUGE sizes.. It's all in what u do with it... Eating pussy is a big big deal too...

U know how in the winter u warm ur car up before u get ot moving ? ? Think of a pussy as that car , burry ur face in it to warm it up amd then slide it in to get it going.... VVVVVVVRRRRROOOOOOOOMMMMMM VVVVVVRRRRRROOOOOOOMMMMMMM BABY !!!
Vivi Boyt's Avatar
Kira , your awrsome lol. To your question no it really does not matter. Your technique is what's important
Love Kiran response!! 100% dead accurate!! Can't wait to warm you up Kira!!
Thanks for answering and yes I eat pussy since I'm not hung I always have loved to eat pussy and do a little backdoor licking so looks like I'm going to have to put you on my list to use my Xmas money on can't wait to taste you
TreeBark's Avatar
Buncha hooks don't care bout size. Duh
They want ur money. Smaller the better. Asians
DocHolyday's Avatar
WM, TB ^^^^ is right. The ladies don't care about the size of your pole, it's the size of your wallet that matters to them. You should have figured that out in 4 years but with only 3 reviews in 4 years, maybe not.
treebark , docholyday.. doesnt surprise me there would be a douchebag or 2 who r woman haters that would think thats what its all about, speaking for myself ( only ) the money will always come, it will always be there.. i dont book my days up w 8-10 clients a day.. i take no more then 3 and most are for massage bc its about giving quality ,not seeing quantity...

these guys who are women bashers but pay to see women i bet HAVE too bc their wife beaters... i wouldn't be surprised if they abused puupies and drowned kittens in sacks in lakes too...

hey doc, see we all expect tree bark to be a total asshole bc he is at least consistent in character, but ur bio says ur "laid back and DRAMA FREE" yet here u go... keep up the provider bashing and u too will have to hide behind multiple handles and burner phones to see the better providers,not the toftt new chicks that pop up on sceen and disapear just as quickly , just like treebark has too....

treebark, come on now.. u cant really think theres not a handful of providers that do this bc they have a high sex drive , and the cash is just a bonus??
Yeah, not to sound as cold as TB but I agree in principle, maybe not in delivery. It's a service industry. It's not like girls on backpage are posting, "No AA men, no cheap guys, 9+ only". Your dick size is irrelevant.
big guy, waterman, when u gents are ready to meet im here baby.. i have a great time and actually love what i do.. i have many regs that can attest.. this gal aint going no where, in it till i croak, lol ..

i am here to make men happy and thats exactly what i do !!!


Vivi Boyt's Avatar
big guy, waterman, when u gents are ready to meet im here baby.. i have a great time and actually love what i do.. i have many regs that can attest.. this gal aint going no where, in it till i croak, lol ..

i am here to make men happy and thats exactly what i do !!!


HOOOOOOO RAAAAAAA !!!!!! Originally Posted by Kiraxxx
It's really simple, no size does not matter, technique is key like I said, now for the guys aspect your right in a sense, it is an industry BUT there are some providor like kira and myself and actually I'm sure most of the lasies, they really get into it. Like its fun! And a good providor will definitely get into it so both parties are enjoying there selves. My auto correct sucks so I know that word was supposed to be one lol.
Yeah idk about everyone else but I personally prefer a smaller guy as I'm a very tight girl n don't wanna be tore up ...and it just feels better ...but that's me !!
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me Kira but my comment was directed to the OP, NOT a Provider. Second, I have not met a Provider yet that is donating her time here....that includes YOU! This is a business for the Providers. They are here to make $$$, as much as possible. Good for them! Lastly, I have regulars that I see and don't need to hide behind anything. Your assertion that I am "Provider bashing" is ridiculous and baseless. Perhaps you should ask Santa for a new business plan for the coming year because your current business plan (attacking other members) is probably not working too well for you. Good day and Merry Christmas!
Hey doc why don't you stay on your own board's in Texas
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Truly it's all about the motion in ocean.
I have met my share of BC's in my civvie and provider life who thought all they had to do was stick it in but couldn't fuck worth a damn.
Smaller sizes can be pretty pleasurable too.
OP you wanted to know what us ladies like but I can only speak for myself and my answer is that I enjoy variety.