Film The Police

Lespaulmankc's Avatar
When do you think the police will learn/assume that they are being videoed and act accordingly?
Aren’t police already being filmed?
When do you think the police will learn/assume that they are being videoed and act accordingly? Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc
Cops do accordingly. It all depends on the situation and how dumb the suspect is, lol.
Please do! And make sure you have plenty of dic pics and pics of young children on your phone when it is (lawfully) seized as evidence to whatever it is you're recording!

You'll get plenty of attention from "the police" when they download the entire contents of your phone... LOL!
HedonistForever's Avatar
When do you think the left will learn that after watching the film of an "incident", they'll see the "suspect" resisting arrest and any number of reason's why the police are forced to use other than words to make an arrest.

What are the odds that if you don't resist arrest, don't flee from police, you'll go home safely from an encounter with police which is the over whelming result of cooperation with police.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
When do you think the left will learn that after watching the film of an "incident", they'll see the "suspect" resisting arrest and any number of reason's why the police are forced to use other than words to make an arrest.

What are the odds that if you don't resist arrest, don't flee from police, you'll go home safely from an encounter with police which is the over whelming result of cooperation with police. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

never. we see videos of suspects resisting arrest. they see videos of racist cops hunting down innocent minorities to shoot for no reason. that's like watching a football game and insisting the losing team actually won.

i'm all for filming cops because 9 times out of 10 it shows the suspect actually did provoke the incident. so it's really a good thing to have that documented even if the left refuses to believe what the video clearly shows.

when this happens to a white suspect, nothing happens. when it's a black suspect it's always "racist cops".

bad cops are a small fraction of law enforcement and they should be fired and prosecuted if warranted and barred from being in law enforcement.
winn dixie's Avatar
When do you think the left will learn that after watching the film of an "incident", they'll see the "suspect" resisting arrest and any number of reason's why the police are forced to use other than words to make an arrest.

What are the odds that if you don't resist arrest, don't flee from police, you'll go home safely from an encounter with police which is the over whelming result of cooperation with police. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Lespaulmankc's Avatar
When do you think the left will learn that after watching the film of an "incident", they'll see the "suspect" resisting arrest and any number of reason's why the police are forced to use other than words to make an arrest.

What are the odds that if you don't resist arrest, don't flee from police, you'll go home safely from an encounter with police which is the over whelming result of cooperation with police. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yes, I’m always curious about what all went on before the video the media shows. The George Floyd situation is a prime example. He was freaking out. But the knee on the neck after the suspect was subdued was way out of line.
Yes, I’m always curious about what all went on before the video the media shows. The George Floyd situation is a prime example. He was freaking out. But the knee on the neck after the suspect was subdued was way out of line. Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc
The knee on the back of the neck didn't kill him. What killed George Floyd was toxicity from a few substances that don't belong in the human body.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Yes, I’m always curious about what all went on before the video the media shows. The George Floyd situation is a prime example. He was freaking out. But the knee on the neck after the suspect was subdued was way out of line. Originally Posted by Lespaulmankc

I agree, others don't but even when the chain of events back up my assertion that if Floyd had sat quietly in the back seat of that cop car, none of this would have happened and NO, that does not "justify" what the cop did but it explains it.

And why couldn't Floyd have just sat still in that patrol car? Because he was hoped up on drugs that I have no doubt "contributed" to his death but the knee on the neck sure as hell didn't help and was a clear violation of police procedure. Once a suspect is on the ground in handcuffs, there should be no further need for the kind of restraint used.

There are a handful of egregious incidents like fleeing from a cop over a broken taillight or some such thing and the driver fearing the interaction of a cop who he is told is out to kill any Black man they see, flees the scene and is shot in the back. That cop was prosecuted and went to jail if I remember properly.

But AGAIN, had he not run, none of this would happen. Have you noticed ( if you watch a good deal of TV ) that most interactions of police stopping a Black person, the Black driver will put his or her hands on the wheel were they can be clearly seen and when the cop asks for license and registration, the driver says "my license is in my wallet and my registration is in the glove compartment". The cops says OK, get them for me slowly.

This tells me that this is now common knowledge in the Black community, that there are easy to follow steps that will keep you out of trouble because very few police, there are regrettably some, want to pull and fire their weapon knowing the shit storm that will come down on them. And I can hear it being asked "why should Black people have to do this when Whites don't"? My guess is, just as the Black person is afraid of the cop because of all that has gone down before, the cop Black or White, knows that there is a far better chance of being shot by a Black man than a White man. No, that is certainly not always the case but the cops know it.

There has never been, never will be a good outcome for anybody Black or White that chooses to fight with the police. Do as you are asked and go home.

I make no accuses for the brutality we see from some police but the answer that we can now all see, is not to get rid of the police but to better train them and US, as to what to do in an inter-action with police.

It ain't rocket science folks.

New Study Says White Police Officers Are Not More Likely To Shoot Minority Suspects