Price of Poontang Not Keeping Up With CPI?

Guest020610's Avatar
A reliable source tells me that in 1959 in Walla Walla, WA, $25.00 was the going rate for a "go til you pop" in the red light district there.

According to the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Consumer Price Index calculator, that equates to $183.16 in 2009. From the ads nowadays, it appears that "P" has gotten cheaper over the last 50 years. I know it's a tough economy right now and I have no idea what the economy was doing in 1959. What say you??? - What's a dollar worth?
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually, I'd say the price of entertainment is about the same, if not slightly higher. $140 in an Asian salon, but $200 - 300 with an independent. More or less an average of $200 - 250.