Provider hair color

I've noticed that most providers are blonde, or some derivative of blonde, and it's very rare to see brunettes. Some redheads, but also relatively rare. Is there any particular reason for that? Luck of the draw? Blondes really DO have more fun?

As a gent who prefers brunettes (and the exotic)... I find this a bit troubling

There's brunette's out there and exotic ones. You're looking at one now.

OK, enough self promotion there. There really are brunette's out there, you just have to find one that suits you. What is it that you're looking for besides being brunette and exotic?
Well reviewed, of course... And Greek preferably

I like slender, smaller women, great curves, super sexy, confident, seductive... I could go on and on...
kendra kayy's Avatar
I used to be a brunette, but have been a blonde for about a year now... No particular reason other than I like the blonde with my complexion rather than the brunette!!