LMAO sex robot rental shop to open in Houston

loveitdou's Avatar
Reading Financial investment publication I see that a company IS GOING TO OPEN A SHOP TO RENT ROBOTIC SEX Dolls in H.

I thought I was going to fall out of my chair, the thing that is sadder than that is that some Democratic State Senator thinks that we need new laws to Regulate and of course tax that. IMO That is sadder than the concept of renting sex dolls.

All any of us need is more regulation, the scum bag politicians all seem to think that they are in office top REGULATE us not to protect us which is their duty by the Texas and U.S. Constitution.

I know don't confuse them with the facts, one of the facts is that we already have too many regulations for LE to be able to enforce.

OK my Rant is over- for now anyway.

Russ38's Avatar
Will there be a midget version for rent?
  • pxmcc
  • 09-18-2018, 05:41 PM
when's the IPO tho..
I thought I was going to fall out of my chair, the thing that is sadder than that is that some Democratic State Senator thinks that we need new laws to Regulate and of course tax that. Originally Posted by loveitdou
It's all about a cash grab, plain and simple.

Because, you know it will make money. Sex sells.
Italia DiBella's Avatar

How awesome
I'll be looking out for those reviews or encounters, could make for an interesting read.

Are these male and female?
Just curious
  • pxmcc
  • 09-18-2018, 06:51 PM

How awesome
I'll be looking out for those reviews or encounters, could make for an interesting read.

Are these male and female?
Just curious
Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
prbly have to post in "Other Reviews"..
There is no "Other Reviews"
Italia DiBella's Avatar
prbly have to post in "Other Reviews".. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Hi ya Hon

The encounters will probably be posted in the Another Realm Section??
  • pxmcc
  • 09-18-2018, 08:16 PM
There is no "Other Reviews" Originally Posted by tbone2u
Hi ya Hon

The encounters will probably be posted in the Another Realm Section??
Originally Posted by Italia DiBella
sounds about right.
Why is renting a sex bot sad? Not everyone is rich enough to buy one outright and not everyone is brave enough/rich enough to whore around, so why shame people for their preference and what they are able to afford? Some people are simply incapable of intimacy with another human being, and too scared to break the law and hire a hooker or too poor to, and this may be the only way for them to get at least some thrill in their life.

Hell, it might even be purely a kink for some who just want to try it out and not commit fully to buying one outright. I happen to fall into that camp as I've wanted to fuck a genuine adroid/robot for some time now. I wouldn't put it past myself to rent one just to try it out.

Eventually when they become more sentient, I can promise you that robot/android whores will become a thing. This simply seems like the forerunner of that, to me. Think a la Jude Law in AI.

I do agree with you about the regulations, though. Fucking gov't, always there to get in a person's way.
Aweshucks's Avatar
^^^ this
I for one will not partake in this place. Part of the fun of the hobby is getting to know her personality while fucking.
Brandofan's Avatar
Rule #1: Don't DATY the rental sex bots.
Russ38's Avatar
Part of the fun of the hobby is getting to know her personality while fucking. Originally Posted by Fizley
They have personalities? When did this happen?
  • pxmcc
  • 09-19-2018, 05:37 AM
Why is renting a sex bot sad? Not everyone is rich enough to buy one outright and not everyone is brave enough/rich enough to whore around, so why shame people for their preference and what they are able to afford? Some people are simply incapable of intimacy with another human being, and too scared to break the law and hire a hooker or too poor to, and this may be the only way for them to get at least some thrill in their life.

Hell, it might even be purely a kink for some who just want to try it out and not commit fully to buying one outright. I happen to fall into that camp as I've wanted to fuck a genuine adroid/robot for some time now. I wouldn't put it past myself to rent one just to try it out.

Eventually when they become more sentient, I can promise you that robot/android whores will become a thing. This simply seems like the forerunner of that, to me. Think a la Jude Law in AI.

I do agree with you about the regulations, though. Fucking gov't, always there to get in a person's way. Originally Posted by Victoria of Houston
Victoria, this is some awesome sauce right here..

i will rent a sexbot after my next robotic session, for research purposes only..

robotic companion iop: 4.5.
robot iop: 9.59.

7 of 9 is fucking off the charts hot btw. i always wondered if she was gfe bcd, or if she'd start rearranging her leptons n neutrinos in the mirror..