ladies, do you blame yourself when .....

a client "can't rise to the occasion", or simply can't unload after a lengthy session??
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Nope! However I do feel bad for them.
RedLeg505's Avatar
a client "can't rise to the occasion", or simply can't unload after a lengthy session?? Originally Posted by carguy1989
I certainly hope a provider never feels guilty about that. I never blame them when it happens to me, which it has on occasion. Heck, I've had sessions with the same provider where one time I'll pop multiple times like a teenager, and then the next session with the same provider, no pops no matter what we do.
Stuff just happens or doesn't happen sometimes. Definitely NOT the provider's fault.
DallasRain's Avatar
what happens,happens............... ....I try to focus on the journey,not the destination

in other words.IT"S ALL GOOD! lol
And IF it happens, the fingers & tongue still work.
A "like" for the avatar.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I think any day one idiot could answer this question with a simple....
I've never had a problem getting it up, but I have had issues a time or two with getting off. For me though, it's generally because I can't cum unless I know the lady I'm with has too. Dunno what it is, but it has NEVER been the fault of anyone but my own strange quirks. Although, it does help for those lengthy sessions
pyramider's Avatar
Two minutes and then a nap, just like clockwork.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Nope! However I do feel bad for them. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina

Too many other reasons some guys can't reach their destination than a lady's performance. IMO, the #1 reason....desensitization. Keep your hands off the goods for a day or two before the appointment if this is a problem.
I dont but i try to help them get up to the occasion.
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I never feel bad! And if a guy tries to blame me or act like it's my fault, or my responsibility to correct the situation (ie to give him extra time for free until he pops, which he might NEVER do, especially if you've already been trying for a half hour, etc.), I don't stand for their B.S.! Yes, I do have great skills and have helped many "pop" from certain activities they aren't usually able to enjoy so thoroughly. So I know that my lack of skills or effort is not the problem. I don't take responsibility for other people's body functions.

I understand that for many men, the POP or the erection or whatever isn't the point. Many men are into the journey, the intimacy, the kink, making out, DATY, whatever. If I get all emotional about the fact that they aren't getting off or something, I'm sure that must invoke negative feelings for them about their lack of ability that I have no interest in bringing up for them. I try to ask casually when I notice that there is an issue if it is a priority for them to get hard, pop, etc., and if they say yes I give it my all, and if they shrug or say "if it happens it happens but sometimes it doesn't and I don't really care" or something, then I don't make it an issue and just give them an amazing time in every other possible way... it's all about what they're looking for.

But either way, no, I don't blame myself. That would be silly and pointless and based on the false assumption that their ability to function physically/sexually is based on me, or even that every encounter must involve a hard-on or an orgasm. There is so much more than that to be experienced.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
I can go forever, been that way since my 30s. It is nobodies fault, I just enjoy the ride. Some guys are just made that way.
Sometimes its more about the ride than the destination. I do enjoy a celebratory victory dance so to speak. Just to show a job well done
pyramider's Avatar
Is the victory dance conducted nekkid?